

New Member
So I noticed my 9 mth old Ambilobe PC's Urine was orange. I increased the auto misting cycle to every two hours for 7 minutes a cycle. It's a large cage with big umbrella plants and it takes that long to saturate. I fed him some horned worms and started spraying him with warm water, sometimes he'd drink from the spray mist. and YES the result was white urine. BUT then I ran out of horned worms. I kept up the warm water hand mistings but he rarely drinks while I spray and his urine is orange again. How can I get this guy to drink? He certainly has plenty of opportunities. Is the answer to simply incorporate more horned worms (how many a week)? He's eating crickets but not too many. Maybe 2-3 crickets per day and he'll sometimes skip a day.

thanks for the help.
try using a dripper. Either buy one or make one. If that does not work and you can get where you can hold him or get close to him, then I would use an eye droppeer and drop water on his nose until he starts drinking.
Yeah I do drip on his nose, well spray his nose and he sometimes will drink. I couldn't see why I'd need to add a dripper since there is plenty of water on the plants to drink. I wonder if there are other reasons for orange urate. He seems pretty healthy otherwise. I'm going to try the first misting before the lights go on. Maybe he'll drink the morning dew... thanks for your help.
Yeah I do drip on his nose, well spray his nose and he sometimes will drink.
I wouldn't recommend spraying water directly at its face. It could open it's mouth and aspirate the water and drown. My cham doesn't drink much from misting. He will stand under the leaf where the water from my dripper drips from and drink from there.
wow thanks for that advice. I have sprayed directly in his face and his mouth a number of times. I will stop that, add a dripper and try and eye dropper.
wow thanks for that advice. I have sprayed directly in his face and his mouth a number of times. I will stop that, add a dripper and try and eye dropper.
I had a Jacksons that would come to the screen every time I misted and would sit there with its mouth open. After reading on the possible issues it would cause, I stopped spraying directly at his face/mouth even though he wanted me to. With my Jackson the misting was enough and he would drink from the misted leaves. My veiled will only drink from the dripper.
spraying water at their face (which I know you know now not to do,) has a different effect than dripping water. Definitely try the dripper. You might be surpised.
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