Deworming Gravid Females


Retired Moderator
I've almost always waited to deworm imports until after they've laid their eggs. There was one time that I dewormed a fresh Oustalet's who went on to lay a clutch a couple weeks afterward. The eggs looked good and went full term, but when they started to sweat nothing hatched. I ended up opening all the eggs and they just had solid yolky mass inside them. Can't tell you how disappointing that was after waiting 8 months.

So, I'm wondering what you buyers of large numbers of imports do. Deworm right away or wait until after they've laid the clutch they are currently developing?
I was told recently by a breeder to always deworm after they lay eggs and even wait to see if they have a second clutch, before you deworm WC females.
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I doubt that Panacur would be compromising the eggs , by itself, but the toxicity of dead or dying parasites in the gut would definetly tax the females immune system and thereby possibly affect the eggs...
Thanks for the input. Well, I guess since no one said it's ok to give Panacur to them while gravid, I'll stick to my original plan. I purchased two and wanted to deworm them at the same time for easiness sake. Both are thin and not anywhere near laying, but one shows very gravid colors and the other, I'm guessing, may be a virgin.
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