Difference with WC and CB chameleons?

Captive bred chameleons are typically healthier and better cared for than wild caught chameleons. When a wild caught chameleon comes in they are usually carrying parasites and other possible diseases and their health / life span can be very unpredictable. Where as captive bred will have been born here and raised in conditions better suited for living in captivity. I would always recommend to stick with captive bred unless you are looking to work with rare species where there just isn't any captive bred available.
Ok thank you:) so I'm really interested in buying and caring for a chameleon do you know the best type of chameleons for a beginner? I was interested in Jackson chameleons are they good for beginners? Thank you so much:)
Ok thank you is it true that some veiled chameleons are aggressive? Also what is the average life span for panthers? Sorry if I'm asking too much questions I'm new at this.
Lol no worries. I don't work with veiled's so I can't speak from personal experience but I do hear that the males can typically be more aggressive. With that said though I do know a ton of others that have extremely friendly veileds!

Panther males I would say 4-5 years is standard for them. They can live longer but on average I would say 5.
Ah ok thank so much so I should get a CB cham to ensure that its healthy with no parasites? Also would you recommend a beginner to keep a Baby Cham or would a sub adult do? Thank you so much for answering my questions:)
Yes I would recommend sticking with a CB chameleon. You will have a much better experience with one that was captive bred here. We typically sell ours around 3-4 months old so they are considered young juveniles and are usually the perfect age for their new homes. So I would say anything older than 3 months would be perfect.
You are very welcome! Our site is www.canvaschameleons.com .

We don't have a bunch currently listed as the little ones are currently growing up and plan to have them ready starting in mid July. We will have some from our Bolt line as well as our Azul line :)
Ok thank you is it true that some veiled chameleons are aggressive? Also what is the average life span for panthers? Sorry if I'm asking too much questions I'm new at this.

My male veiled is a grumpy young man. Ive handled him 2 times in the 7 months I've had him. Does not like it and I'm fine with that. I still love him anyway. I guess veilds get a bad rap for being aggressive. Some keepers have had many veilds who were tolerant of being handled. I believe Panthers are known to be more tolerant of being handled. You never know what kind of personality your chameleon will have.
Ok thank you is it true that some veiled chameleons are aggressive? Also what is the average life span for panthers? Sorry if I'm asking too much questions I'm new at this.

I have a veiled and he's not aggressive at all:) Only towards people he doesn't know he gets freaked out but every cham is different :p
Ah ok thank so much so I should get a CB cham to ensure that its healthy with no parasites? Also would you recommend a beginner to keep a Baby Cham or would a sub adult do? Thank you so much for answering my questions:)

Nick has been very helpful here but I would highly recommend a fecal on any new chameleon you get. Both CB and WC can have parasites and if they go untreated parasites can make your chameleon sick and even kill him/her. Parasites come from the feeders that they eat. Several times we have got CB babies that were already loaded with parasites. Most breeders do not check them for parasites before shipping them out.
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