Dino Fell Last Night


New Member
It was about midnight and I was writing on the computer. I got up to get some tea and as I walked past Dino's cage, he fell off his bed and hit the floor of the cage with a big thump.

I looked at him and he was awake but not moving...then slowly...very slowly he started up the screen...but had a great deal of trouble getting a grip and kept slipping.

After a while, I decided it was time to help him, so I opened the door and took hold of him. He was pissed! He hissed at me really loud. I got him and he wouldn't go onto a vine...instead he kept running up my arm.

With several tries, he finally got on the vine and stayed there.

He had me really worried! What causes a chameleon to just fall off his bed in the middle of the night? Too cold? Bad dream? lol.

He's doing fine this morning...eating away and looking good.

Anyone else see this happening occasionally?
Tiz not a totally uncommon thing. For one reason or another they just slip a bit and have a thump. It might be that he was a little to cold (how cold?) but I doubt it. He was probably really slow because he was cold and just fell off his 'bed' and also pissed because of the same reason... :)
mine fellher day without sleeping from bout 4ft was worried bt he got bak up and started clinbing again ws like must of been winded
ahahah if you fell outa bed in the middle of the night do you know what your doing??? ahaha i dont im lookin all over to even see where i am let alone why im waking up ahaha my chams done this a few times he just gets really tired or into such a deep sleep i think they let go and WAM! gravity does her thing and then hes all slow cause he just woke up doesnt know if theres a predator after him or not thats why i think they are soo slow to moving back into a perch to sleep but if you see him or her not using that foot then a vet will be needed asap!
Lizards falling............

All sorts of lizards will fall off of tree branches while sleeping. There is one tropical resort somewhere in Costa Rica where Green Basilisks will often fall out of the trees at night while sleeping and land on tourists who are out walking around the resort. I have a three pound, four foot long Hydrosaurus lizard fthat occassionally falls off it's perch while sleeping. The thud it makes scares the cats so much they run under the bed.
Clyde took a nose dive last week. Hit a few branches on the way down and landed on the floor of his cage. I wasn't there to witness it, but my girlfriend said he didn't miss a beat and began looking for a way to get back to where he was. She helped him of course, and then he was off roaming again.

I bet chameleons invented cliff diving without water.

When it comes to chameleons, I think they can handle falls better than a cat. I have no doubt a Chameleon could handle a 20foot fall. Has anyone ever dropped a cat from the same height? :D
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