Discoids and dubia


Chameleon Enthusiast
I'm about to order some more roaches for my chams but I was wondering what are the differences between dubia and disciods. Do disciods breed faster, climb walls and or fly?
I have yet to make the jump to roaches, but can never ignore an opportunity to learn something new. So, I googled those Discoids.

Here's what I found.

The Discoid Roach has always been a very popular mid size feeder roach and that’s not about to change anytime soon. They have been bred as feeder roaches for the pet industry for many years. Discoid roaches are a non climbing, non flying, live bearing species naturally found in the northern parts of South America. Because they can not climb grass or smooth plastic, they are easy to keep in their breeding enclosures and do not easily escape reptile enclosures when used as feeders. Shy roaches, Discoid Roaches breed best if not overly disturbed.
You're welcome. I hope it goes well for you...maybe you could give us some progress reports as you engage in this. I'm endlessly curious...and I'm sure everyone wants to know about all possible feeder options.
You're welcome. I hope it goes well for you...maybe you could give us some progress reports as you engage in this. I'm endlessly curious...and I'm sure everyone wants to know about all possible feeder options.

I can do that :) I know that a few other members on here also feed disciods also.
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