Diseases that chameleon brings


Retired Moderator
i was just wondering..
are there such diseases that a chameleon can infect to its owner?

They call things that can be transferred from reptiles to people "zoonoses". And yes, there are several things that can be transferred. Salmonella being the number one thing. Salmonella is a biggie. Children and the elderly can become extremely sick from it. Another thing that a lot of people don't think of is that many parasites that chameleons get can easily be transferred to a dog or cat.

Worms, other nematodes, protozoans and coccidia are all transferred to dogs and cats. That is my biggest worry for people who let their chameleon, or other reptile, sit or walk on surfaces around their house. Invisible cysts or spores that are on the reptiles tail or feet can easily be deposited on surfaces around the house. Some can live for a year on a dry surface. Then a dog or cat sniffs that area because they can smell the reptile on the surface. Then they lick the area around their nose and ingest the cysts/spores.

So........wash your hands every time you handle a reptile. And get a complete check for parasites done before you let your reptile walk or climb on anything in your house.

Although my friend doesn't ever get near reptiles, and doesn't have much interaction with dogs or cats, each of his kids developed case of pinworms. They may have been exposed to them from soil that may have been exposed to animal feces. The kids got treated for it but, sure enough, he developed a case of it a week or so later :eek:. It seemed to be easily treated with one or two doses of whatever their doctor prescribed. 90% of the time I wear latex or nitrile gloves when dealing with anything that has been exposed to my chameleons including the critters themselves. Either way, lots of hot soapy water gets used afterwards, gloves or not.
Say that you have had your pet checked and all seemed to be ok. What are the chances that any of these contagions just appear later on? I never wear gloves when handling my chams and am now a bit concerned.
Say that you have had your pet checked and all seemed to be ok. What are the chances that any of these contagions just appear later on? I never wear gloves when handling my chams and am now a bit concerned.

yeah me too.. gloves freaks him out.
He turned hostile when i wear gloves.
so i never wear them too when I need to handle him..
I'll be using hand sanitizer every time i finish feeding and handling him, thanks.
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