DIY (Do It Yourself) Automatic Misting System


New Member
Hello! I am looking for ideas to make an automatic mister for on the cheap. Looking at taking a garden sprayer, a garden hose timer, tubing, and a low flow misting nozzle.
The idea of paying $100 min for a mister is insane to me, any ideas/suggestions?
I need an automatic mister due to the nature of my work (engineer), I've got a webcam hooked up to the cage so I can see what's going on, but no way to mist. Any ideas would be so helpful! Also, any ideas/suggestions of how to feed other then dump 30 dusted crickets in at a time? I have not done any of this yet so no one freak out on me.
Well... You can hand feed, but other than that, youll either be tossing them in the cage, or tossing them into a cup feeder inside the cage.

As for the misting, I promise that 100 dollars is well worth your money. I believe a few people on here have made some DYI misters, but i doubt they come close to the outcome of mistking or aquazamp. Do a quick search of the forums using the search button.
As for the misting, I promise that 100 dollars is well worth your money. I believe a few people on here have made some DYI misters, but i doubt they come close to the outcome of mistking or aquazamp. Do a quick search of the forums using the search button.

I agree, whatever you spend on a professionally made misting system is money well spent. Considering the importance that such a system has in providing drinking water for your chameleon and controlling humidity, it is definitely something I would not keep chameleons without!
Here is one I made about a year and a half ago. It worked fine as far as getting the chameleons watered, but don't expect a fine mist or the ability to supply water to more than about 4 cages max. I spent about $60-70 on the whole thing, and honestly, it's worth it to just spend the extra $30-40 and get am Aquazamp or a Mistking. I know that there is a certain gratification that you get for building one yourself, but they really don't compare to the real deal.
I'll try to get some pics of mine up tomorrow mine is a full blown misting system very easy to build the most expensive part is the diaphram pump
Here is one I made about a year and a half ago. It worked fine as far as getting the chameleons watered, but don't expect a fine mist or the ability to supply water to more than about 4 cages max. I spent about $60-70 on the whole thing, and honestly, it's worth it to just spend the extra $30-40 and get am Aquazamp or a Mistking. I know that there is a certain gratification that you get for building one yourself, but they really don't compare to the real deal.

Very true.....

Honestly....$100 is cheap for peace of mind from either a Aqua Zamp or Mistking. I prefer the Aqua Zamp.

If you are going to commit to a cham and worry about gutloading, feeders, supplements, temps, vet visits, fecals etc etc the in the long run its a no brainer.
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