Avid Member
Hi everyone,
Since @DeremensisBlue shared in a video that they sometimes block off part of the service door on enclosures to help with night time humidity. I decided to do a trial ru before trying out my idea for a permanent solution. I did a test run using corrugated plastic leaving an inch or so opening for airflow, I tested this for 2 days and the results have been wonderful for my daytime humidity staying near 65% instead of 50% and my night time reaching 90-95% instead of 70-75 I was getting! I did not change anything for my hydration schedule.
Here is a photo of my test setup
Here is the results comparing a day without and with
So now that I’m happy with the results I wanted to make it pretty and match my reptibreeze XL hybrid conversion. I have 3 sides covered in white corrugated plastic sheets doubled sided taped to the enclosure with the screen cut out of the door and replaced with acrylic that was attached with clear doubled sided tape and now the service door bottom blocked with acrylic leaving an 1.5” gap on the top of the service door to allow airflow
I used outdoor rated doubled sided tape and also threshold tape to help with drafts on openings to outline the top and bottom to make it look nice and pretty
I am SO HAPPY with how nice it looks!! I have a spare cage with another service door I could always swap out if needed.
Bonus shot of Dax tolerating me before his evening mist cycle which I let him know it’s coming with fogging 15 min before the misting starts
edit: The daytime humidity is higher than listed on care sheets, the gap is now larger than when I tested and I have a fan on standby as well in case it doesn’t settle. The enclosure did dry out both days completely so with the larger gap and the drying out, the numbers should be closer to in range. I will update the thread with my findings.
Since @DeremensisBlue shared in a video that they sometimes block off part of the service door on enclosures to help with night time humidity. I decided to do a trial ru before trying out my idea for a permanent solution. I did a test run using corrugated plastic leaving an inch or so opening for airflow, I tested this for 2 days and the results have been wonderful for my daytime humidity staying near 65% instead of 50% and my night time reaching 90-95% instead of 70-75 I was getting! I did not change anything for my hydration schedule.
Here is a photo of my test setup
Here is the results comparing a day without and with
So now that I’m happy with the results I wanted to make it pretty and match my reptibreeze XL hybrid conversion. I have 3 sides covered in white corrugated plastic sheets doubled sided taped to the enclosure with the screen cut out of the door and replaced with acrylic that was attached with clear doubled sided tape and now the service door bottom blocked with acrylic leaving an 1.5” gap on the top of the service door to allow airflow
I used outdoor rated doubled sided tape and also threshold tape to help with drafts on openings to outline the top and bottom to make it look nice and pretty
I am SO HAPPY with how nice it looks!! I have a spare cage with another service door I could always swap out if needed.
Bonus shot of Dax tolerating me before his evening mist cycle which I let him know it’s coming with fogging 15 min before the misting starts

edit: The daytime humidity is higher than listed on care sheets, the gap is now larger than when I tested and I have a fan on standby as well in case it doesn’t settle. The enclosure did dry out both days completely so with the larger gap and the drying out, the numbers should be closer to in range. I will update the thread with my findings.
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