Flick boy
Chameleon Enthusiast
Hi all so just over a week since I got dk ,how time flys , so he has only eaten 3 crickets in front of me , been eating when I'm not present, not sure exactly how much ( getting a camera hopefully this week ) I have 2 feeder cups an a DIY feeder run plus a couple of free range feeders , humidity is a bit high, but he's been active showing light colour and good colouration , found first fecal in a feeder cup which is near black with pure white urates, as beman said the downfalls of a bioactive viv , ( trying to find a tiny tiny poo in a heavily planted viv in a bioactive well good luck, so I have a question, obviously the size of the fecal matter doesn't have any implications to a test but as this was at the top and dried out does this matter asking for a friend lol