DNA Reveals Eleven Different Species of Chameleons...Pardalis...

This is a neat and big article. The division of Furcifer pardalis into 11 separate species. I recall this announcement when the findings were first made. However I have not heard anything about the division of Furcifer pardalis into 11 species since. I think somebody somewhere is probably progressing with this study and is listing and naming the new Furcifer pardalis species.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
I very much hope that this is made official in the near future! I remember hearing about this years ago, and I've wondered why it's taking them so long to make it official. It would seriously put a damper on locale crosses (which are just ugly to me) and promote true line and locale breeding, not color breeding. Anything to prevent hybrids is a good thing, that could be very dangerous down the road if a hybrid is mis-ID'ed (or intentionally sold) as a purebred and mixed in to pure lines.
You said..."I very much hope that this is made official in the near future! I remember hearing about this years ago, and I've wondered why it's taking them so long to make it official"...it takes a lot of work to get things made official...lots of red tape, reviews, etc.

You said..."It would seriously put a damper on locale crosses (which are just ugly to me) and promote true line and locale breeding, not color breeding"...people will still likely do this...not just on purpose but accidentally because unless you do genetic testing, how are you going to tell the females apart? This has been a problem for years.

You said..."Anything to prevent hybrids is a good thing, that could be very dangerous down the road if a hybrid is mis-ID'ed (or intentionally sold) as a purebred and mixed in to pure lines"...I doubt you'll ever stop hybrids. The hobby seems to like them...and I'm sure, we won't be able to tell for sure if they're pure or not down the line.

I gave up breeding Pardalis years ago because not all the pairings resulted in strong healthy hatchlings and I think part of the issue was that we were unknowingly cross breeding.
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