Do chameleons eat other lizards?


New Member
I came across a Youtube video of a pet chameleon eating what looked like some type of anole lizard. I do not plan on feeding my chameleon a lizard, as I have no desire lol. But it had me curious. Do they eat other lizards in the wild? Or just insects, veggies & fruit?
Unfortunately they probably do eat other lizards in the wild. I know for sure they do in captivity. I've seen a couple of mine eat a brown anole before when I had them outside.
Unfortunately they probably do eat other lizards in the wild. I know for sure they do in captivity. I've seen a couple of mine eat a brown anole before when I had them outside.
I see, thanks for the reply! I have no problem with animals eating others animals, as a few of my snakes eat live. I just find it fascinating to see a captive animal hunt like it would in the wild
I keep outside cages in Florida and anoles and house geckos are always trying to sneak in for some free feeders. When the adult male panthers see one they will sometimes go after it, sure many of the larger species probably would as well. The females I keep outside show no interest in anoles even caught one of them out of the cage when I saw it basking on same branch as a female. Would recommend regular fecals because who knows what parasites the anoles are carrying.
My melleri hunt anoles in my greenhouse all the time. I try to keep them out as best as possible. My oustaleti has eaten green anoles while being outside sunning and one of my ambilobes has snagged anoles while basking outside as well.
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