Do chameleons yawn?


New Member
I've seen Pascal (my Veiled) do what looks like a yawn twice now, and each time he did what I can only describe as a shudder.

I'm guessing it's a yawn as both times its been within an hour of lights on and basically it looks like a yawn!

I'm just checking to make sure as I don't want to be wishing I had asked if it's a sign of anything bad.

Eating, pooping all ok. He does wander around on the floor most mornings too for some reason!


Edit: Typo correction! Changed 'morning' to 'mornings'
Absolutely they do.... my adult male veiled saunters out onto his basking branch in the morning as soon as his lights go on, sits there and does the most amazing yawn.... I half expect him to start scratching himself at the same time - he's like a little old man! :)
Besides the regular daily yawns, you may see some "fake" yawns during a shed. It helps loosen the shedding skin.
Thanks guys! No need to worry then :-D

It's one if the cutest things I've ever seen him do - apart from sit on my head when he comes out of his viv. He loves it when I stand in the window and he can watch what's going on.

My panthers do first thing upon lights coming on. Then lick their lips twice, setting up their mouths to eat. After that, 'where's breakfast?'
Actually just noticed as soon as the lights go on for my Veiled he yawns, sounded like a light hiss, but was just him yawning :D
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