Do full grown adults continue to shed?


Avid Member
Do adult chameleons stop shedding once they're full grown as long as they maintain their weight and do not become chubby? The reason I am asking is that I have a female Meru Jackson's who hasn't shed for awhile who is in full shed today. She really doesn't eat much however she gave birth 2 months ago and I am wondering if this shed could mean that she is gravid again with a second batch from retained sperm. Any thought on this? Also, do chams continue to shed their entire life ( like people) or do they stop once they are full grown? Thanks!
Mr Peabody is 3 and still shearing every now in then. It's never full body, but patches do.
My 10 year old bearded dragon sheds around his face every couple months too. Neither of my lizards are fat either.

I would suspect that their scale growth is continuous, just like the cells that make up our skin. It may just be a slower process because scales are so hard, but those cells have to be reproducing, because no cell lives forever.
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