Do I have everything i need?


New Member
Hey guys, i got a baby veiled chameleon about 4 days ago and today i just noticed him make popping noise when i misted him and i also noticed he sleeps with his head pointed up. I have read it might be signs of a RI but i want to make sure i have everything i need for him and to see what i can change to help him.

My setup right now is a medium size screened cage ( not sure exactly what size it is )

Double Mini dome
Zoo meds basking spot lamp with UVA 75W
Fluker's 10.0 UVB 20W
Reptivite with d3
Fake foilage
Big climbing vine
The little dripper
I get crickets from my local store and they dust them with calcium whenever i ask them too.
u are defintly gona want a 5.0 uva then you probly have to adjust the height of the basking lamp so its not 2 hot

a must your gona need a multivitamin supplement and a calcium supplement without d3
isnt that what the basking light does?

Yeah but if you have it to close it is going to be to hot and he wont be able to thermal regulate his internal temperature. A male juvenile Veiled should have a basking temp of around 83 degree and increased to around 86-88 degrees when he is older. Correct me if I am wrong guys.

But as far as supplements he was correct, you want to supplement with plain calcium(without d3) everyday and then twice a month, I do the 1st and 15th, give him his multivitamin and calcium with D3 and give them separate with the feeders. Because he is a juvenile you want to be feeding him 3 times a day and never less than around three hours before lights out so he can properly digest. If you can only manage to feed him twice a day just portion it out correctly. Hope this helps!

And I forgot to add, you want the basking spot 8 inches at least away from the light fixture. That will be the problem you will find with the deep mini dome because you want the uvb closer so that the light gets to him better and its effectiveness is not decreased.
u are defintly gona want a 5.0 uva then you probly have to adjust the height of the basking lamp so its not 2 hot

a must your gona need a multivitamin supplement and a calcium supplement without d3

I would also get some a small thermostat and hydrometer. Throughout the day, shuffle it around the enclosure to monitor the normal temperatures to make sure you get proper temp variances and maintain some humidity. I did this for about a week with Mojo to make sure the numbers were right for the first few days.
Also having your pet store dust your feeders isn't a good idea unless you are going straight home and feeding them to your chameleon, which also isn't a good idea, as you should be properly gutloading your crickets prior to feeding them you your chameleon.

The best idea when it comes to feeders is to purchase them from your pet store, take them home, set them up in their own enclosure (tupperware, aquarium etc etc) gutload them and dust them right before you plan on feeding them to your chameleon.

The problem with having your pet store dust them, is that the crickets will shake off the majority of the dust by the time you go to feed them to your chameleon.
your chameleon has two symptoms of a Respiratory Infection. It is not going to go away with making changes. The changes may help in the future but not if he has an established infection already. He will need to see a vet and get treated. Most likely he was sold to you that way. It did not probably develop in 4 days. I guess it is possible as I am not exactly sure how long it takes to start showing symptoms. In any event, you need to get him to a vet and have him checked out. Don't let it go untreated!
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