Do you currently use cfl bulbs, if so apply within


New Member
I know, i know....i am being a pain in the a$$ with the lighting questions :).
So I know this subject has been discussed 100 times if not 1,000. I have read all the threads that come up in the search. From what I have read there should not be any issues now, however I understand the perception of burned once shame on you, burned twice shame in me but just curious if there are any folks out here using the newer repti sun 5.0 CFL for any length of time and if so distance from light and results would be appreciated.

I am setting up my enclosure as some have probably seen and I had the exo terra double fixture on hand with new lights (repti sun 5.0). Set up about 6-8 inches above the highest branch with plenty of places to get away from lighting down below. So I figured why not use them if they are the new bulbs etc....I have the 5.0 on each side so it covers the enter width. 18x18 and currently burning them in prior to him arriving. Plus the hood fits perfectly on the cage. I will say though IF I use these I will change them out to linear when it comes time to change the bulbs.

BUT something keeps tapping me on my shoulder saying fork the money out for the linear bulb. I use all linear bulbs on my dragons so I know they are tried and true but then again I also use to feed dog food from diamond manufactor but once recalled don't go back even though it is fine now, so it can happen with any mass produced product.

The thing is I just want to know my Cham will be safe
Anyway if you ARE CURRENTLY using them I want to hear your experience. I know there are many threads about the labeling and data so no need to go back into all that.

The thing is I keep hearing folks say not to use them but I cannot locate any data that says folks are still having issues since the new bulbs came out a couple of years ago. Not saying it is not there but I could not find it in my searches.

I promise not to keep beating a dead horse :cool:
i use the cfl on both of my cages and havent had a single problem. i actually use the 10.0 cause my cages are tall and i have lots of foliage. but yeah i have heard they improved them a few years ago and that now they are just as safe as tubes. thats just what i heard though.
i use the cfl on both of my cages and havent had a single problem. i actually use the 10.0 cause my cages are tall and i have lots of foliage. but yeah i have heard they improved them a few years ago and that now they are just as safe as tubes. thats just what i heard though.

Yes chamillionaire3, you are right and that just about says it all. :)
There have been no bad reports of any of the new name brand CFLs causing those bad eye and / or skin issues... or any other problems now for a few years years now.
They got the glass & phosphor situation all straightened out so no ultra low range (non terrestrial) UVB or UVC rays are "leaking" through.
I use Zoo Med 5.0 and 10.0.
In my humble opinion, Zoo Med is the best brand of CFL available in the US and Canada right now.
I have personally tested Zoo Med, Zilla and Exo Terra with Solarmeter 6.2 and 6.5's in compact flo. hoods.
The Exo Terra was **much weaker** than the other two, BTW.:(
It is the cheapest of the three.... and the old adage "You get what you pay for" sure does hold TRUE here.
Yes chamillionaire3, you are right and that just about says it all. :)
There have been no bad reports of any of the new name brand CFLs causing those bad eye and / or skin issues... or any other problems now for a few years years now.
They got the glass & phosphor situation all straightened out so no ultra low range (non terrestrial) UVB or UVC rays are "leaking" through.
I use Zoo Med 5.0 and 10.0.
In my humble opinion, Zoo Med is the best brand of CFL available in the US and Canada right now.
I have personally tested Zoo Med, Zilla and Exo Terra with Solarmeter 6.2 and 6.5's in compact flo. hoods.
The Exo Terra was **much weaker** than the other two, BTW.:(
It is the cheapest of the three.... and the old adage "You get what you pay for" sure does hold TRUE here.

thank you that is much appriciated. and yeah like i said before i havent had a problem with my cfl. just make sure to replace it about every 8-10 months, that is just my opinion though cause the box says every 12.
If you are using CFL I would use them in nothing other than the Zoo Med double-fixtures. Or else in two fixtures side by side so your cham gets maximum UVB while basking.

Problem I see with CFL is it is so focus-fired. Linear provides 18+ inch span of UVB, CFL provides 6+ inch span of uvb.

Using linear gives more of a surface area of exposure your chameleon can use to be exposed to UVB.
This is kind of what I figured but needed some confirmation. Most things I have seen are folks saying don't use them they can hurt the chams eyes etc and just wondered if there was any current data to back that up. I would assume as large as the reptile community is that some reports would have been made if there were still issues. The span you are referring to Zen reptiles is on either side of the bulb is that correct or is that down. I do have the zoo med fixture and have two bulbs, one on either side so it maximizes the coverage. Also the cage is 18 x18 x 36. The top branch under the UVB measures just at about 6 inches from the bulbs. As far as using 10.0 i fear branches up close would or could be over exposed. From what I have read the 10.0 cfl punches a much greater impact than the 5.0 and the 10.0 bulbs caused more issues than the 5.0 way back when.

I am also using a cf 6500 k for plants and from my knowledge there were no issues with the cf bulb it self (one with no UVB) just the UVB back when there were issues. Thanks so much, no to decide on wether or not to still go ahead and get the linear and fixture and replace for peace of mind.

My obsessive qualities have gotten the better of me....there is medicine for that right? ;)
Well I found it impossible to get a double bulb 18 inch fixture or even 20 locally and I do not have room with the basking light to put two singles....sooooo I am going to keep the exo terra compact hood and lights in there for now, sknce my guy is coming thursday morning. the good things is there is nothing stating these have been causing issues or health problems in the last couple of years and folks here are obviously using them with no ill effect.

Thanks for all the help and I am loving this community and its knowledge!
I'm planing on using the Reptisun 5.0 it's the self ballasted compact flouresent lamp, I believe this is the one you guys are talking about... I got a new cage for my veiled and picked that one up to go with the cage, so that is a good bulb to run?? It's the one you screw in the light fixture..
Yeah those are the ones I am talking about. Although I have the longer one with the long regtangular bends instead of the coiled. I actually think coiled is repti glo so if it is reptisun like mine I think it is the same. I am using the double bulb exo terra hood too where the bulbs sit ling ways with decent reflectors and one kn each side so it covers the width of the enclosure. Hoping that will help.
Also if the UVB light is towards the back of the cage and the basking light is over his perch... dose he get the full UVB exposure?? I called Zoomed and they recommended the mount that you mount the basking and UVB in the same thing.. they said mounting it horizontal gives off more UVB... man am i confused.. dose anyone have two separate lamps on top of their cages???
I have the one where you mount it horizontal and there are two places for them on either side so it covers the whole cage from side to side. His basking light is right behind it.
Yes but they are on either side so like one long 5.0. That is what I was advised to do instead of just having one on one side and the other half of the cage without. It is only 18 inches wide but with both bulbs the width is easily covered. Are you thinking two is too much?
Yes chamillionaire3, you are right and that just about says it all. :)
There have been no bad reports of any of the new name brand CFLs causing those bad eye and / or skin issues... or any other problems now for a few years years now.
They got the glass & phosphor situation all straightened out so no ultra low range (non terrestrial) UVB or UVC rays are "leaking" through.
I use Zoo Med 5.0 and 10.0.
In my humble opinion, Zoo Med is the best brand of CFL available in the US and Canada right now.
I have personally tested Zoo Med, Zilla and Exo Terra with Solarmeter 6.2 and 6.5's in compact flo. hoods.
The Exo Terra was **much weaker** than the other two, BTW.:(
It is the cheapest of the three.... and the old adage "You get what you pay for" sure does hold TRUE here.

Was on the 10 buld and I just jump to the 6 % Arcadia and just on light is a big change.
Well I had 24*24*48 with the reptisun bulb 10. She seen to hide a lot. Have a crested champ more toward the humidity side I guess. She seems to like more the Arcadia setup now but it will come down to the champ type and need. Mix comments from people that used them with no problem.
emailed "light your reptiles" last night with some questions, you know sometimes it can be days to get an answer, not with todd. he answered my questions and also sent a link that i was able to easily use to make my purchase. i even sent a follow-up question after my order and that was answered within minutes :D ! nice to find a passionate person that will help a newbie get access to great equipment.

thanks todd
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