Do you ever relax?


New Member
Do you ever relax & not constantly worry about your cham? I am new to chams but not new to reptiles. I recently lost a new little boy veiled and since have gotten another one. In comparison, I kind of think my first one wasn't all that healthy. He did not eat nearly as much as my current one does, my new guy is way more active. I was also surprised at how docile my first one was, he never shyed away from my hand while my currant one looks at me and immediately tries to hide! Now I am thinking the big differences were due to the fact that maybe he wasn't healthy, maybe he wasn't docile, just too sick to run away. Any thoughts from the experts? I also am contantly checking on him! When I'm not home, I'm calling to check on him! Is there ever a point when I can relax and not worry so much?! He's only about 3 months and doing great (I hope!)
I lost my baby Savannah Monitor in early January, When i got my two Tegus a little while later, i could barely sleep at night without worrying about them.

Now i worry less about my two lazy lizards and more about my chameleon. The first night we had him, i was up every two hours checking on him. Now its before bed and in the morning.

But yes, you do worry alot.
they do love to make us worry and with 10plus at my house it always seems like im worried about someone, and at your question i do find that ill chams are way more tolerant to handling, and have often said that i feel a aggressive cham is a healthy cham.
Amy isn't such a worry as she was my second Veiled (I have had 3 now), but Monty has been more worry as I got him at just 7 weeks old and Jackson babies can be tricky to care for! Now I have moved him into a bigger viv I find myself worrying about him again, lol! Having said that, I find the cresties cause me more worry than the chameleons have ever done! I guess my heart lies with chameleons if I am honest.
I find my self checking on Loki all the time. To see what she's doing, just to adore her cuteness, to make sure everything in her terra is at the right temp/humidity, is drinking water droplets, is basking, ect...

The list for me goes on and on. And my newest question i find asking my self is, "is she happy?" most the time she is this light green color. and others when just chilling about her terra she is this light brown color. and im like okay whats up lil girl. is something wrong or you just turning brown to attracked more heat? oh and the latest color pattern i've seen is green with black spots. but this was when she chased a cricket, that i droped from the feeding tongs, to the floor of her terra and when she started to look around she turned light green with lil black spots all over. from what i have read its a "startled" and or "scared" or even an "oh crap".

But i'm still learning and maybe one day i wont check on her as much but for now i'm a lil worry wart like everyone else.
in a nutshell: NO! :p

Jango is my little boy veiled, i love him so much i can barely hold such immense meaning in my little human heart. i watch him, study him, help him, handle him...all with eagle eyes. if anything happens to him, it'll claim my heart and my soul too. i doubt if i could ever face another veiled without falling apart.

when i was a teen, i lost my dog, she was still a bit of a pup. we lived in the woods where she and i would roam forever. she'd sometimes go off on her own and come home later, i gave her this freedom. she didn't come home that day....i was beyond devastated. i searched the woods from 4 a.m. to late night every day for days..nothing. the WORST part was when people would say, "don't worry, you can get another one just like her which traumatized and depressed me more than i can express. are you kidding me?? i didn't want another one like her, there existed NO OTHER like her, i wanted HER and only HER. i was severely depressed, my parents forcing me to be with my friends didn't help at all, i sat silent in my own internal world. i just wanted my dog back. fortunately, a week later, she found her way back home...after a long adventure into town, into the pound, escaped the pound, crossed the interstate twice to & from town, then back home, exhausted. she was my 'Lassie come home' dog. Jango is my one and only...i want no other veiled, just him.
It's nice to know I'm "normal" or at least not alone in my "abnormalness"! I've had sick reptiles, rescues that I nursed back to health, other babies (snakes, cresties, gargoyles) but I never stressed this much! Maybe because they are so tiny and adorable and fragile looking!:)
It's nice to know I'm "normal" or at least not alone in my "abnormalness"! I've had sick reptiles, rescues that I nursed back to health, other babies (snakes, cresties, gargoyles) but I never stressed this much! Maybe because they are so tiny and adorable and fragile looking!:)

They really are.
and its totally normal.,
as is the addiction that comes along with keeping chameleons.
ive got 3, going on 5, going on unknown number as i plan to breed.
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