Do You Need To Dust Hornworms?

Yes. They are basically bags of water, 5mg of Calcium per 10g of worm. You might get away with not dusting silkies(.33% calcium by weight, so 10g of worm would have 330mg ) since they are some what high in calcium.
We lightly dust all insects we give to the chameleons, it is not unusual for crickets to loose the calcium if they are not eaten the first day. But chameleons seem to eat things like horned worms quickly, ensuring that they get the calcium or vitamins that you want them to.
Yes. They are basically bags of water, 5mg of Calcium per 10g of worm. You might get away with not dusting silkies(.33% calcium by weight, so 10g of worm would have 330mg ) since they are some what high in calcium.
Thank you I have never fed them to any of my animals past or present(presently I only have one Veiled chameleon) and just was not sure. I decided that I would order them from Josh's frogs and see how my juvenile delinquent Pascal liked them.
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