Do you want to get another chameleon?

This thread is for the general discussion of the blog entry You want another chameleon?. Please add to the discussion here.

Yes! Should you is the question?

First, I don't like reptiles, spiders, snakes, grasshoppers, worms, crickets or any of the feeders associated with Chameleons!

There are a lot of accidental Cham keepers on the Fourm. Like me! Who have
totally fallen in love with a couple of quirky Chameleons.

My granddaughter's Crested gecko died. I was cruising the WWW and saw a post from the local animal shelter seeking adoption for a Chameleon. Immediately, I thought, I'll adopt him for my granddaughter. We already have everything we need left over from the Cresti. I called the animal shelter- all they wanted was a picture of the habitat and for a 100.00 donation he could be mine. Well I moved a fully grown Veiled Cham (Carmelo) into a 18x12 glass habitat. Long story short, within 24 hours I realized I was in trouble and needed help.

I got the help I needed and everything is now good. I fell in love with Carmelo. He is sooo grumpy sweet. I am truly addicted to making sure he lives his best life.

Every pet store visit includes me looking at the Chameleons that need lto be rescued! I desperately wanted to rescue another Chamelon. I eventually purchased a Panther- Bolt.

I've had Carmelo 2 years and Bolt 1 year. My heart tells me I want another Chameleon. Why?

IMO, chameleon keepers are generally, natural care givers. Patient, loyal, compassionate, advocates, confident, and dependable are a few terms I would use to describe Cham keepers. Those qualities push the desire to have multiple Chams.

We see pictures of baby Chams and our hearts melt, sparking the desire to get another Cham. Our sweet grumpy Cham, is sooo sweet, we want another one. We think with our hearts. Then it becomes possible to forget the time and money involved in Cham keeping.

Now that I have 2 Chams, I'm feeling the burden of cham chores. Even with an automated environment there are numerous time draining chores. Filling water source, draining drip pan, cleaning drip pan, caring for plants, enclosure cleaning, feeder acquisition, vet visits, outdoor time, poop monitoring and many more.

I definitely know, for me, 2 is more than enough! But the desire to add another Chamelon remains. I have to purposefully make Cham keeping decisions by brain over heart. I no longer linger at the pet store chameleon cages. When I see babies on the Fourm, I take a quick look and move on. When I see adoption post, I look, but quickly close the post.

Bottom line - Chams are easy to love!
I want to add my reasoning,

“You just can’t have one.”
It just my human nature butting in of wanting one more.

I went went with the classic-Do I want a Veiled chameleon? Or the Panther?
I went with the classic, Veiled.

Now I have a Veiled chameleon. I want a Panther.

My other reasons-there’s many species. They come in all unique looks and colors. There’s the “Pygmy chameleons”.
I instantly feel in love with the Brookesia genus. I want to step in and contribute to make them available to the hobby.
I deffentily WANT another, but thinking about all the financial needs for these creatures can be crazy! True, I have been able to save money by doing at home fecal tests, breeding feeders. Etc but it doesn't always work. If I'm really worried about sherbert (like usual) I get a fecal test looked at by the vet. If My feeders don't breed, I have to buy more bugs. The list can go on and on. When I have the space. Money and resources for another chameleon, I definitely will get another. Once you have learned the correct husbandry for a chameleon it is quite easy to want to rescue a two-week-old veiled you see at Petco.

I also don't know if I would be mentally ready for another, it can be overwhelming with just my chameleon and bearded dragon, I would be constantly stressed something would happen. "Can they see each other across the room, are my temptress okay, is the UV percentage correct?" I would be questioning myself constantly.

While I love chameleons more than any other animal on this planet, I don't think it's time for me to get another. But when the time IS right, the question will be...

What species should I get?
Yes! Should you is the question?

First, I don't like reptiles, spiders, snakes, grasshoppers, worms, crickets or any of the feeders associated with Chameleons!

There are a lot of accidental Cham keepers on the Fourm. Like me! Who have
totally fallen in love with a couple of quirky Chameleons.

My granddaughter's Crested gecko died. I was cruising the WWW and saw a post from the local animal shelter seeking adoption for a Chameleon. Immediately, I thought, I'll adopt him for my granddaughter. We already have everything we need left over from the Cresti. I called the animal shelter- all they wanted was a picture of the habitat and for a 100.00 donation he could be mine. Well I moved a fully grown Veiled Cham (Carmelo) into a 18x12 glass habitat. Long story short, within 24 hours I realized I was in trouble and needed help.

I got the help I needed and everything is now good. I fell in love with Carmelo. He is sooo grumpy sweet. I am truly addicted to making sure he lives his best life.

Every pet store visit includes me looking at the Chameleons that need lto be rescued! I desperately wanted to rescue another Chamelon. I eventually purchased a Panther- Bolt.

I've had Carmelo 2 years and Bolt 1 year. My heart tells me I want another Chameleon. Why?

IMO, chameleon keepers are generally, natural care givers. Patient, loyal, compassionate, advocates, confident, and dependable are a few terms I would use to describe Cham keepers. Those qualities push the desire to have multiple Chams.

We see pictures of baby Chams and our hearts melt, sparking the desire to get another Cham. Our sweet grumpy Cham, is sooo sweet, we want another one. We think with our hearts. Then it becomes possible to forget the time and money involved in Cham keeping.

Now that I have 2 Chams, I'm feeling the burden of cham chores. Even with an automated environment there are numerous time draining chores. Filling water source, draining drip pan, cleaning drip pan, caring for plants, enclosure cleaning, feeder acquisition, vet visits, outdoor time, poop monitoring and many more.

I definitely know, for me, 2 is more than enough! But the desire to add another Chamelon remains. I have to purposefully make Cham keeping decisions by brain over heart. I no longer linger at the pet store chameleon cages. When I see babies on the Fourm, I take a quick look and move on. When I see adoption post, I look, but quickly close the post.

Bottom line - Chams are easy to love!
You are wise to recognize that what the heart wants is not always what is good for it! We have so much love for these little guys it is hard to resist. But we have to remember everything you so well listed here. Thank you for sharing!
The video companion to this blog entry about what to consider when considering another chameleon is live! There is also a podcast you can listen to on your podcast provider. This video presents the concepts with minimal fluff, while the podcast allows me to take the time to speak more freely. So they are separately produced shows. And both the video and the podcast incorporate feedback from the community. But, for now, here are five things to consider when thinking about getting another chameleon!
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