Does it hurt?


New Member
My little cham still has a bit of an attitude and tries to bite whenever I try to pick her up. I always pull away when she does this of course, but I was wondering... would it even hurt if she did bite me?
My little cham still has a bit of an attitude and tries to bite whenever I try to pick her up. I always pull away when she does this of course, but I was wondering... would it even hurt if she did bite me?

Do NOT pull away EVER! this shows her that her intimidation is working and that she can beat you. and to be honest. it really only hurts if you pull away. their teeth are not long enough to break skin but they are sharp enough to slice it if you pull your skin across it. best thing to do is let her bite you. my adult male bites me once everyday when i go to pick him up. which is far less than the every three seconds he used to do
i suggest putting your fingers together and flattening your hand and trying to pick her up at/ right below her eye level. and if she tries to bite stay still and let her. keeping a flat hand with fingers together keeps her from getting a hold of individual fingers. (depending on just how big she is) and if she bites from the side just hold it. she will give up and learn she cant hurt you
If she does get a hold of me though will it hurt? I'm a huge sissy when it comes to pain xD That's why I always pull away, it's kind of a reflex. But if I knew it wouldn't hurt I'd probably get over that.

It depends on how hard she chomps you.

they can draw blood, and make you need stitches.
If she does get a hold of me though will it hurt? I'm a huge sissy when it comes to pain xD That's why I always pull away, it's kind of a reflex. But if I knew it wouldn't hurt I'd probably get over that.

how big is she? nose to tail base? my panther male is about 3 inches and when he bites it feels like you biting your own finger. its just being grabbed with something hard. its more of a shock than a hurt. my adult veiled however does hurt but he is almost a foot long
Hmmm I've never really measured her, if I had to guess by looking at her I'd say she's about maybe 7 or 8 inches.
And omg stitches???? :/
in other words do not get drunk with your buddies and see who can get bit the most.
do not get intimidated and and pick her up before she can even get an additude
well. the only time any of my chams have broken skin was when they got ahold of the skin in between my thumb and pointer and once when he managed to grab the extra skin over om flattened knuckle. if it makes you feel better if you wear a cotton glove you prolly wont feel a thing
naww it doesnt hurt. Ive had chameleons bite me and crested geckos as well.. theyre softies haha.. except geckos tend to twist and shake their heads, somewhat breaking a layer of skin.. no blood at all ever though
That's a good idea! I'll wear a glove next time I try to get her out and also try to not give a chance to be aggressive too. She's shedding right now so I'm going to leave her alone till she's done, but after that I'll try this out. Thanks!
So far, I have never been bitten raising chams or leopard geckos, but I have never been insistent on handling them either, not so much because I am affraid they will bite, but because I am affraid they will fall and injure themselves.

If you look at pics of their teeth, they are very tiny, so it would not be their teeth alone as an adult, it would be the strenght of their jaw mussle.

I actually more concerned with the stress they would go through then any minor wound they could inflict.
I injure myself serveral times a day in my job way worse then a cham bite and dont even notice it unless someone tells me I'm bleeding on something!!
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