does she look healthy


New Member
my husband seams to think that her back leg does not look right. i dont see what he sees but also he is the only one who can close to her and hold her so i took some photos can some help me by looking at them and dont worry if the color looks off my camera is really bad with color when she is happy she is either a purplish color or aquamarine. when she gets mad she turn a grayish color which she usually only does when i try to take care of her but any advise would really help us out we are learning all we can we rescued both our chams and want to do everything we can for them P.S she had just been sprayed in one of them


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also eye

he also said it looked like her eye was sinking in a little i really dont see that does anyone else. ( he has never dealed with any animals other then dogs and cats. i have dealt with a lot of different kind of reptiles since i worked at a pet store but never with chams. I brought her home about 11 months ago she was about 12 weeks when i got her. someone brought her into the pet store and said they did not want her anymore so i took her rather then just tell them find somewhere else. I am doing every thing i can to make her happy(but she does not love me she loves him and i do everything for her lo :p )
do you have a UVB light for her becase she might have MBD
that leg looks like its bowing

research MBD

could be dehydrated
try giving her a shower
search how to give a cham a shower
I am not seeing the legs looking bad at all. This is just my opinion. The eye on the cham in the first picture looks a little sunken, yes. Do you see her drinking???
yes i have to manually give her water twice a day to make sure she used to drink out of a bowl but everyone told me to get rid of it so now i give her water twice a day by letting the misting bottle drio in to her mouth till she wants no more and i mist her about 7 times a day at least but i have never seen her drink from the leaves like my other one does
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