Does this diet sound ok?


New Member
Hey guys,

So I've been reading up on diets for my 5 month old Amabanja chameleon and this is what I have so far:

I alternate between crickets and silkworms.

Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday - Silkworms fed on fresh Mulberry leaves

Tuesday Thursday Sunday - Crickets gutloaded on Fluker's Orange Cubes and I mix up a combination of fresh veggies (spinach, lettuce, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber). Tuesday and Thursday, crickets dusted in Rep-Cal Phosphorus Free Calcium with Vit.D3 (indoor chameleon) and on Sunday, crickets are dusted in in same dust with a mix of Herptivite with beta carotene.

Mealworms every 3 days as a snack, 2 at most.

I also let him get some fresh sun every other day too. He will climb on his ficus plant and I'll take him outside with me. I need sun too because I work inside all day to get my D3. :p

How does this sound so far? I have only had him for about a month now so I want to make sure he is enjoying his food.

That is too much D3. That brand has a very high amount of D3 in it, and it is recommended to only use it once or twice a month. Use a plain calcium normally, and a multivitamin once or twice a month also.

As far a variety, both crickets and silkworms are great, but it would be even better to try and use at least 5 kinds of insects to make sure that he gets a well rounded diet and doesn't get bored of his food. Superworms, phoenix worms, hornworms, roaches, mantids, stick insects, butterworms, etc. are all great options.
Great! I'll look into those other feeders and see what I can get a hold of. :)

He really likes the silkworms and kind gets bored of the crickets quickly so it seems variety will be key!

I'll decrease the amount of D3 to once a month especially now that I take him outside to get fresh sun light.

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