Donahue possibly poisoned?

Solid Snake

Avid Member
Current Problem - Donahue has always been doing great. Very active, and no issues. I keep a very close eye on him, and even had him out yesterday, for his regular "looking over/close inspection", he seemed great. This morning was no different, nice and perky, looking great. Around noon I went out to mist, and he had his eyes closed, and was a deathly pale color. He was very weak, in his grip, and movements. Seeing how it was such of a sudden onset, and so severe in nature, I could only think that he may have eaten something poisonous, or maybe even been bit by something poisonous(not sure if thats an actual possibility, can spiders and such penetrate there skin?)
Anyhow, I thought the best thing I could do at the time is try and put as much water through him as possible, so he went into the shower. He seemed like he could barely hold onto the branch, but started drinking tons, more than Ive ever seen him drink period. After 15 min or so, he defecated the largest chameleon poo Ive seen, with a nice pure white urate. He stayed in there appr. 15 more min. He seemed much better after this, and I took him back outside. His color returned to normal, and he was more active, and keeping his eyes open. He still seemed somewhat weak though, but not as weak as he was before. I gave him a long shower outside about an hour later, and again he drank more than Ive ever seen him drink. I had to leave for about two hours after that.
When I returned, he was perfect. Im still very concerned though.

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - 10 mo male Furcifer pardalis, in my care for 7months.
Handling - Very sparingly, once a week maybe for a close inspection.
Feeding - His main diet is dubia, gutloaded with cricket crack, turnip greens, dandelion greens, butternut squash, and oranges. Other fruits and veggies are rotated, but they get that all the time. I would say that the dubia make up 50% of his diet. He eats a lot of wild feeders, crickets, spiders, and whatever else dare squeeze into his cage. A lot of times I see him eating, but I have no idea what it is. :eek: I also give him crickets that are gutloaded, the same as the dubia, but less often than dubia. I dont feed him everyday, he is on a two on, one off schedule.

Supplements - I dust his feeders with calcium, rep-cal brand. I give him repashy calcium plus once a week, for the vitamin content, but not sure if this is enough I guess.

Watering - He gets misted/rained for 5+ min at a time, at least three times a day. If its hot, he gets more mistings. I rarely see him drink.

Fecal Description - All poo has looked good, until this last one, that was very large. His urates are always pure white. Hes never had a fecal done.

History - He has always been kept inside, until about a month or so ago, I have kept him outside since then.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Larger homemade screened enclosure.

Lighting - Sun.

Temperature - I measure his skin temp with a temp gun, and the outside ambient temp with a digital unit. The lowest temp hes been exposed to is 55F at nite, but its been a while since it was that cold. Its usually around 60F at nite. During the day, the ambient temp rarely goes over 87Fish, and he seems to keep his skin temp at 87-88F all the time during the day.

Humidity - I dont measure this much. Its fairly humid here, always above 50%, Im about 10 miles from the coast.

Plants - Parlor palms, grass on the bottom of enclosure.

Placement - Far side of yard, very low traffic, he can go from ground level, to 6' up.

Location - East NC, about 10 miles from the coast.

Like I said, he seems perfect now, but if anyone has any ideas/recommendations Im all ears.

I have decided to prevent him from eating any wild insects for now. I should be able to keep them out, with some minor tweaking to the enclosure.

I did not get any pictures of his "deathly" state, but it was just that. I honestly thought he was about to pass. As soon as I saw him, from about ten feet away I instantly knew something was not right.

Sorry thats so long, thanks for reading.
Chameleons have trials and tribulations like everything and everyone else it's a good thing you caught it in time. Who know what made him sick I just saw my chameleon eat a bee and a ladybug one right after another.
I sure hope Donahue will be ok. I think it's a good sign that he's showing so much improvement after his showers and long drinks of water.
Wow, scary situation, glad to here he's doing better. Maybe like you said he ate a bad bug. I would think if he had been bitten you would see a welt. Good thing you were there to save him.
Constipation? If that is even possible? I wish I could help more but i just dont know...:eek:
Good thing he is looking better man, Hopefully he is groovy now!
I would think it could be a combo event, he either was plugged up (sounds like that for sure) and was bitten or age something. I think 2 of those together could be the problem. The shower would help either way. Warm showers always my make Lenny poop, and if he ate something all the water would have diluted it to less toxic and if something had bitten him the relaxing in the water and pooping might have taken his skin issues down, like if he had a stinger or something. That is a strong healthy guy you have, I think he will be fine.
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Chameleons have trials and tribulations like everything and everyone else it's a good thing you caught it in time. Who know what made him sick I just saw my chameleon eat a bee and a ladybug one right after another.

Thanks, I appreciate your opinion. I do think that getting fluids in him has helped.

I sure hope Donahue will be ok. I think it's a good sign that he's showing so much improvement after his showers and long drinks of water.

Thank you Jann, I very much appreciate your opinion as well! I think its a good sign as also. :)

Wow, scary situation, glad to here he's doing better. Maybe like you said he ate a bad bug. I would think if he had been bitten you would see welt. Good thing you were there to save him.

It was quite "scary", thinking I could lose him efore he even turned a year old. :(

Constipation? If that is even possible? I wish I could help more but i just dont know...:eek:
Good thing he is looking better man, Hopefully he is groovy now!

Im not sure, he was definitely hating life there for awhile. I also hope for a continually groovy Donahue! :p Thanks ;)

I would think it could be a combo event, he either was plugged up (sounds like that for sure) and was bitten or age something. I think 2 of those together could be the problem. The shower would help either way. Warm showers always my make Lenny poop, and if he ate something all the water would have diluted it to less toxic and if something had bitten him the relaxing in the water and pooping might have taken his skin issues down, like if he had a stinger or something. That is a strong healthy guy you have, I think he will be fine.

Thanks Laurie! :) I gave him a really good looking over, and did not see anything that looked like a bite, although a small red, and/or swollen area would be easy to miss, with all his scales and colors.:rolleyes:

I think you may be right with the eating of a bad bug. When my Gizmo ate a ladybug he drank and drank and drank, must heve been trying to get the nasty taste out.
Im assuming he gets lots of outside time and that is why you are not using the repashy everyday. Repashy also make a vitamin only formula that may be worth looking into.
and vit A plus

Yes he stays outside 24/7 now. I have been trying to decide if I want to use rep-cal herptivite on him, or something else. I will look into those products though. ;)

He stayed fairly inactive, but normal coloration the rest of the day, eyes open, and "standing"(as apposed to earlier, he was just sprawled out on his perches.)

He went to sleep a little early(full obvious sleeping position, with curled tail), but clouds came in this evening, making it darker than usual, and Stella also fell asleep sooner than normal time.

He is normally colored atm, and seems fine.

Thank you everyone for your input, it means a lot to me. :)

Ill update how he is doing in the morning. ;)

Been busy.

Donahue has been his normal self most of the day.
His strength and movements seem normal.

He has had his eyes closed a few times, looking sickish during these times.

He did not want to eat or drink, but after I got him to do both, he became more active, and seemed better.

Its been warm but rainy this afternoon, but it got him to drink more water.

Im still fairly concerned for him.

Does anyone have an opinion on bringing him in for the evening, and having him warm up and dry out proper? Its not raining heavy, just a nice sprinkle, and it is warm, but the sun is not out.
It was nice and sunny all morning.

Thanks for you guys keeping him in mind. :)
Sleep? Whats that? o_O

I check on them outside at all hrs anyhow, but it was a good move to bring him in for sure, as it started to rain heavily. The warming back up seemed to do him lots of good as well. :)

He is asleep now.

I have noticed one other thing, that may be relevant.
He seems to be pointed downwards more often than usual.

Thanks everyone, Ill let you know how hes doing tomorrow.
Just hang in there, it may take him a couple days to get it out of his system. I agree bringing him in was the right move.
Just hang in there, it may take him a couple days to get it out of his system. I agree bringing him in was the right move.

Thanks Laurie, I feel that he should see a vet at this point, but everyone Ive contacted says that the vet I used for Stella is the best bet here:rolleyes: So for now Ill just keep an eye on him, until I decide I need some test ran. :rolleyes:
Thanks Laurie :)

He seems better. He is hunting, eating, drinking.

He still seems off, but definitely stronger, and even more active.

He has not had his eyes closed today, but Im still keeping a close eye on him.

Like I said, he still seems a bit off. ;/

Ill let you know how the rest of the day goes tonight.
Heavy rain wont bother him, in "normal" circumstances. I know you are trying to keep an eye on him though. I leave my two youngins out in storms with good winds and have left countless other hatchlings or newborns out in the same conditions. As long as the cage is heavily planted and secure there shouldnt be any problems.

Hope he continues to get back to normal.
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