dosent she look huge???


New Member
this is my female dilipis she looks huge is it because she needs to poop or is she pregnant here are some pic let me know plz



might be prego i would put a container of moist sand if she is prego you need that for her to bury her eggs. i want to breed my cham shes only 3 months though. i hope im right im new at this stuff so sorry if im wrong
i am new at this stuff also i have a male but i never mated them unless she was mated b4 i got her and i also have a big bucket about 1 1/2 ft deep filled with soil but i think she just need to take a nice big poop...done breed you cham till she is like a yr old just forcus on her being healthy and happy
veileds are know to lay eggs even if not mated so she could be gravid i would still keep a bucket in there jsut in case
i got her like a month ago but she wasnt baby i dont know how old she is i baught her from and she isnt a veild she is a flap neck aka dilepis
i do have a bucket filled with soil

Good! Keep it in the cage with her. However, she does not look gravid to me. I think she is just puffed up for the camera - a defence mechanism. Again, I have not worked enough with the dilepis family to say for sure, but I believe them to be seasonal breeders and now is not the season for them.

I don't work with egg laying species anymore, but they look like tennis balls with feet when they are gravid. In fact, you can make out egg shaped bulges in their lower abdomen when they are close. I don't see that in you animal.

Here is a pic of a my very gravid Chameleo trioceros goetzei and Chameleo trioceros rudis sternfeldi red phase (both live bearers) for reference. These girls are big!



o ok thanx trance but she was like this b4 i even get the camera out so thats why i got curious around what time is their season??
I believe the dilepis need to be cycled through the fall and winter and will breed in the early spring.

I'm sure there are some of you with more experience with the family than myself, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

just look at her.

My vote is that she's gravid
The clue (for myself) is how large and full she is at the base of her tale
and if she's heavy (air doesn't weight much)
if both are present then she's holding a clutch.

Breeding cycles are set according to temps, daylight and perhaps the amount of UV
IF she was captive bred and raised, then there's not going to be any breeding cycle according
to the actual season outside of her environment.

prep a nice place and means for her to lay
you don't know if she's mated or not so incubate accordingly.
and good luck.
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i preped a huge bucket a lil over 1 1/2 feet deep for your sayn there is no way of know if the eggs are fertilized if she has a cluth???
Breeding cycles are set according to temps, daylight and perhaps the amount of UV
IF she was captive bred and raised, then there's not going to be any breeding cycle according
to the actual season outside of her environment.

I disagree. Wouldn't she have been born is said "breeding cycle"?

Out of curiousity... how many CBB dilepis were born in the U.S. this year? Not bleeding many I suspect. And F2 generation? Probably a big fat zero.

I'm gonna have to vote for gravid too. Just for no other reason than to disagree with Trace

Actually, my local store here has gone through a group of dilepis over the last couple of weeks. Many were very gravid, and at least one horribly eggbound, that I've seen recently. Since LLL is only 20 miles from here and apple got hers at about the same time, I'd imagine these were all from the same shipment.
i also forgot to mention that i have two Repti Glo 5.0Tropical Terrarium Lamp for the lil lady...also its 10:15 pm in brooklyn ny rite now their lights went off is it possible if shes pregg she will be digging at night??
Nope. They can't see well, if at all, in the dark so she will sleep peacefully all night. She could start digging as soon as the room gets a little ambient light in the mornings though.
well my lighta go on around 8 am i have an apartment in the basement and they are in my living room and there is no windowsbut i do have a exo night glo bulb
so she is still huge i found some poop at the bottom today but she hasnt gotten any smaller i tryed to rub her stomach she kinda growled at me and hissed but only when i touched her stomach..when i piked her up she turned this nice light color and im not sure but i didnt really notice a diff in weight...if she is not gravid wat else can it be??
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