Dragon flys?


New Member
Anyone got any ideas on were to find captive bred dragonflys.. or possibly locust in the US OF A?

other types of fair sized flying insects.
dragons...carolina.com as well as butterflies that are cham safe (painted lady, cabbage.) they have many good insects there, locust are illegal in the US, so good luck with those.

i find those in the field, arn't they the same kind of animal? could i make a Grasshopper farm?
mmmm, yah, appropriate sized ones. and im sure if they are kinda farm grown/ safe to eat products.
not the nymphs, the actual dragonfly.

i believe larvae dragonfly have to be raised in water... not sure TBH.

i thought it'd be a fun feeder for the chameleon
I wonder how a dragonfly sting in the mouth might affect a cham? Would it cause swelling? Heard negatives about bee stings...*shrugs*
they don't sting, they bite though. Pretty strong too.. at least back then when i was a kid :)
i couldn't find the adult as well at that site.
Awesome! Learnt something new! I always assumed that long tail had a stinger. Then end just contains an ovipositor?? birth apparatus (females) then? Male would have reproductive organs there? They drop in the water right? is it eggs or oothica of some kind, or ready formed lavae?

Get a few on occasion, might give them a try! :)
you can damage the mandibles prior to feeding, it wouldn't hurt just as a precaution, but ive also noticed chameleons take procautions prior to striking their food, they aim for the head, and instantly chomp, sink the eyes in, and shut them.
the nymph seems hard 2 care.
They eat small fishes and tadpole as well.
the nymph span ranges from several weeks to several years (depending on the species) b4 they turn to adult dragonfly.. too long an investment for me.

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yah, you'd have to build some kinda of crazy enclosure/tank with aquatic plants and stuff.

>.< would be cool to find someone who had some.
dragonflies dont have long life cycles to begin with thats why they sell larvae, and no grasshoppers are in a tottally different family, you could start a grasshopper farm it'd just be illegal ;)
If you live in a temperate climate like Florida. You can take a barrel, fill it with water and add a sponge filter. Toss a handful of guppies in. Let them breed for about a month. Then add your nymphs. I would build some sort of screen structure on the top of the barrel, to keep new dragon flies from escaping.

If you live in a cooler climate mosquito fish will also work. I think they can take pretty much anything outside of freezing.

If left outside, having to feed the fish should be at a minimum, especially during mosquito season. Both will fish will feed off of the mosquito larvae.
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