Drainage conundrum


Established Member
Hope everyones having a good night! Im not, i broke my toe :(

Anyways this is my question:
So i have my drainage stand all ready and I'm trying to figure out if it would be best to just drill a few holes through the the PVC and wood bases? Im not completely sure how one would raise or angle it w/o buying anything more...:confused: Any suggestions?

btw: the top bucket is to catch water and be easily dumped out:)

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I got this!! Lol.

OK! I say yes, drill a 1 to 1 and a half inch hole in both back corners. Use GE windows and doors silicone to seal it. Use PVC pipes put the water in your drain pan and elivate the front of your floor 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch higher than the back of the floor... this will insure that your water flows to the back of your cage.. I would also recomend bowing up the center of your cage just a little so that water will flow to the corners... It really won't take much if you can swing it.

Make sure your holes are ALL THE WAY in the back corners.. or you will have standing water... I have had to alter mine but you can see the basic unaltered pic here.

Cut yourself a large hole in the wood. Like at least a foot in diameter.
Then, drill lots of small holes in the pvc, where it fits over the whole in the wood, in a say 3-4inch diameter circle.

This will allow water to fall through, and minimize the chance of water getting in between the pvc and wood.

Thats the simplest thing I can think of, and I like simple:)

EDIT: I would also cut that wood to fit the bottom of the cage, and use long machine screws to anchor the wood to the frame.
EDIT: I would also cut that wood to fit the bottom of the cage said:
Its anchored on, but my dad was worried about weight support, so we cut it like an inch or 2 longer to help better even the weight. We used L brackets i believe
Should i worry about the wood (rotting and such) if its just one big hole under a bunch of little ones?
If you are worried about that you could pick up some weather seal stripping and put it around on the underside of the cage in order to create a barier before water would be able to reach the to the edge of the big hole..... if this makes any sence... Not sure I'm painting a clear pic here. Basically, make the water drip into your pan before it gets to your wood.
Like thusly...

...and then caulking the crap out of it wouldnt hurt;)
Cut yourself a large hole in the wood. Like at least a foot in diameter.
Then, drill lots of small holes in the pvc, where it fits over the whole in the wood, in a say 3-4inch diameter circle.

This will allow water to fall through, and minimize the chance of water getting in between the pvc and wood.

Thats the simplest thing I can think of, and I like simple:)

EDIT: I would also cut that wood to fit the bottom of the cage, and use long machine screws to anchor the wood to the frame.
thats exactly what i did on mine.
I got this!! Lol.

OK! I say yes, drill a 1 to 1 and a half inch hole in both back corners. Use GE windows and doors silicone to seal it. Use PVC pipes put the water in your drain pan and elivate the front of your floor 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch higher than the back of the floor... this will insure that your water flows to the back of your cage.. I would also recomend bowing up the center of your cage just a little so that water will flow to the corners... It really won't take much if you can swing it.

Make sure your holes are ALL THE WAY in the back corners.. or you will have standing water... I have had to alter mine but you can see the basic unaltered pic here.


my only question with this, and seeing the size of the holes you made, wouldn't you have to worry about crickets escaping out of those? Are you planning on putting some screening over the wholes to make sure there isn't an issue with them escaping?

just curious and good advice here. Going to need to do this to my setup once I get it.
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