I know there's a whole thread of ideas, but I haven't found any specific to what I'm looking for.
I have a ReptiBreeze XL and a three drawer dresser from Walmart. The dresser's dimensions are not the same as the enclosure and the bottom of it pushes through when I try to sit it on top. I obviously didn't think it through entirely.
I saw in the other thread that someone used the dresser but the details weren't complete and the person is no longer active.
My question is, has anyone done anything similar? Any ideas for a way to fit it on the stupid dresser and a tray I can make that will help?
I have a ReptiBreeze XL and a three drawer dresser from Walmart. The dresser's dimensions are not the same as the enclosure and the bottom of it pushes through when I try to sit it on top. I obviously didn't think it through entirely.
I saw in the other thread that someone used the dresser but the details weren't complete and the person is no longer active.
My question is, has anyone done anything similar? Any ideas for a way to fit it on the stupid dresser and a tray I can make that will help?