Drinking Methods


New Member
i mist my cham with a hand sprayer once a day for 10 mins and it works well, hes hydrated and the his white poo is fine. However, the water collects at the bottom of the tank and i have to mop it up after each spraying session. Its ruining the tank and soaking through to the carpet. Its a pain. Has anybody got other methods? Would it stress him too much to put him on a plant in the bath every day and spray him there?
my female drinks from a cascading dripper that collects in a netted dish. little dripper attached to an aquarium plant that runs the height of the cage. but i would still mist with this setup, just not as much.
I used to buy those concrete mixing basins from Home Depot for $20 bucks. I had 3 basins and 3 cages. I used to put bricks in them so the cage could stand up higher to open the door. Then i had a long basin made specifically to my requested dimensions so all 3 can fit in them; and then i drilled holes on the bottoms of the pvc floors the cages come in. so that it would drain anywhere in the bottom of their cages.
Go to an air conditioning place and have them make you a sheet metal pan big enough to serve as a tray in the bottom of the cage. Most of them will do it for free, cut a hole in the center of the pan and a slightly larger one in the bottom of the cage itself. Than you can put some kind of container underneath for the water to drain into. Mine works great. Also makes for very easy cage cleaning. Just slide it out, hose it off and put it back in.
Hi Erinsangels!
Judging by the fact you are from Scotland it's probably safe to assume you are using a glass enclosure, not the full screens the people in America use (for the most part).

If that is the case, is the bottom glass? Are you using substrate? Any chance of posting a photo of your setup so the experts here can give you advice from their experience?

If your unit is sealed (ie. glass bottom) you probably need an internal basin to collect excess water (screened for safety of course)

If the bottom is wood, plastic, etc you could install a liner and drill a drainage hole leading to a basin of some sort underneath it (you would have to raise the whole tank)

Good luck, and check out the search options if you decide on a drainage solution!
you could have a hole drilled into the bottom if its glass, silcon a piece of pcv pipe and have a collection bucket under the hole/pipe. Or use a dripper system (still mist, just less) and have the extra dripps fall roughly into a collection container inside the cage (remove as soon as the dripper runs out / cham is finished)
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