

New Member
Hello all!

New to the forum, just purchased a 6 week old male veiled chameleon and he seems to be doing nicely.

As chams only drink from droplets on leaves etc not standing water I've currently being using a spray bottle to do so.

However I have been reading about the drippers/misters that you can use - but it seems most of these are suited for meshed viv/terr's. I have a wooden case with glass doors so it wouldn't be possible to put a hose dripping through the top without drilling the case.

Has anybody had the same issue with where to attach a dripper?
Or would anybody recommend a type of mister?

I try not to answer much of anything around here, while I've been learning about them for some years, on and off, i don't have much experience actually keeping chameleons. just a veiled once and now waiting on a second cham.

but im pretty sure everyone will tell ya to ditch the glass enclosure. there might be exceptions i dont know about, I dont bother looking into it, because I just avoid it like the plague. oh, MistKing would be the best mister I think, and there are pretty simple ways to make a dripper, when I had my veiled i just bought a plastic one for like $5 tho. but, you'd need a screen cage for that stuff..
Are you in the UK by any chance? I keep Tommy in a wooden viv wth glass doors. I cut out a section of the top of the cage to allow the lights to be placed safely out of his reach. I covered the hole with wire mesh. I made my own dripper and poked the tube down through a corner of the hole and attached the tubing to the top and side of the cage using sticky vecro backed clips. It works just fine and he drinks from the end of the tube. You will need some kind of container to catch the water in too though!
Welcome! Well, wooden/glass vivs are okay, but yours sounds like it might not have enough ventilation. I would suggest doing as Miss Lily above has done and cut out the top or a section of the top and replace it with screen. If it doesn't have many air holes in the wood, you may want to drill quite a few along the bottom a few inches up. You should not have the lights in the cage as it could burn the baby (there are some who have lost tails and have burned feet pretty bad that young with lights in the cage.)
I'm going to drill some holes in there tonight as the ventilation isn't too good.
Could make a dripper but abit concerned as to it rotting the bottom of the case.

Any body know of a UK site that sells the Aquarium valves/hoses?

Sorry I can't help with the hose, but you can use a container with screen over the top to catch the water so it doesn't get on the floor. The screen is to prevent the animal from falling in or bugs from drowning in it.
Just build your own cage mate. Look at sandrachameleons cages. She lives in canada i think and she uses three sides of pegboard and the front screen I think. Just search her cages you could get some good ideas. I would have at least one side screened as well as the top though for proper air exchange. Then you can get a good watering system going. You don't want a constantly wet enviroment. Thats just as bad as not enough hum/water present.
I made my own dripper - I got the adjustable valves from ebay and 6mm aquarium tubing from a local petsore. I use a spaghetti holder with netting secured over the top to catch the drips so the viv floor doesn't get flooded.
right thanks for the advice. im going to be cutting some wood out of the cage and replace with mesh. May put a dripper in at a later date. ive also seen a few people mention the water bottles that rodents use? anybody had any xp using them?
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