Dry winter skin


New Member
Is there any kind of "skin moisturizer" for chams?

We have the house heaters running full time now and the humidity pegs around 30%.
You can buy all kinds of nonsense products, designed to 'help' your animals slough, but its as simple as getting the humidity right to begin with.
It may be nessesary to add plastic sheeting to a screen cage, buy a humidifier, mist more, add more live plants etc, whatever it takes to create a more humid microclimate (cage).
These products probably do work, in that they will help (this time), but they are an unnesesary 'bandaid' solution. They work on the symptoms, not the cause.
It's called more water. Without knowing the details of your setup, try these ideas:

Add more live plants.
Mist more often by hand...slowly and for a longer time.
Add an automatic misting system controlled by a timer.
Offer lukewarm showers (put a plant in your shower, aim the sprayhead to bounce off the wall so the plant and cham get it secondhand, and give the cham a 20 minute rain).
Use a room humidifier aimed right at the cage.
Hang some plastic sheeting on the back or sides of the cage to help hold in moisture.
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