Dubai roaches?


New Member
Hi, Does any1 know the ideal age chameleons can start feeding on these? i have found a mail order plcae for these, and quite interested in keeping some, they look fairly small the baby ones?
I think all ages,the nymphs are really small and easy to eat.

Thanks for that, i take it they are ok to feed regulary such as crickets and locusts? and i saw a guide how to breed them and keep them looks good and easy and fairly clean,
Yes, dubia can be fed as a staple. Just make sure you have variety :) I suggest you buy crickets and other food for your chameon until your colony of dubia is ready to be taken from, I didnt do this and now im in need of dubia :/
Try to buy adults if you can. Leave the adults alone for about two months (aside from feeding and what not.) then you'll have lots if babies to feed off. I suggest buying about 50-80 females and 10-15 males.
Thanks think im gonna order some and give it a go, they only come in sets i think i will check what the numbers are, , but have read you have to get the ratios right with the males/females to breed? thanks
As long as there is 4 or more females per male and it's nice and hot all should be good. If you buy the small nymphs it can take up to 4 months before they turn into adults plus at least another month before they start having babies.
no feeders are good to feed exclusively, but dubia are a good staple (main diet), when gutloaded properly. young dubia are smaller than a rice krispy, so they can make good feeders for chams as small as 2 g. (anything smaller should probably be on ffs or phs


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get lots - start a colony

Get a big group and start a real colony. You'll want all ages, or at least a bunch of adults. There not smelly, but they do eat quite a bit. Mine are already dropping lots of babies, but I started with a large number ( 1000+ ).

Lots of site sponsors here have good deals on B. dubias, and some members. Could contact Chameleonboy privately, for instance.
any body know a good please to buy a colony in the UK?
And would a colony be worth gettin for 2 adult veileds and future babies?
dubia in uk ? dont worry about ratios , if you have m/f adults you will have babies. dubia are easy to raise and when properly gutloaded make a good staple, if you had to raise just one type of feeder blaptica dubia would be the ones. just for future reference (in case you are trying to google them or something) they are dubia (not dubai) aka the guyanan orange spotted roach
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