Dubia colony noob

that guy

New Member
Hey everyone,

I currently only have one chameleon and I was thinking of starting a dubia colony to save some money. He will not eat crickets anymore and I can't afford to buy roaches constantly. One concern I have is trying to maintain the number of roaches in the colony since I only have one reptile to feed. I was looking into the dubia starter kit from west coast roaches. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hey everyone,

I currently only have one chameleon and I was thinking of starting a dubia colony to save some money. He will not eat crickets anymore and I can't afford to buy roaches constantly. One concern I have is trying to maintain the number of roaches in the colony since I only have one reptile to feed. I was looking into the dubia starter kit from west coast roaches. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

You might consider buying at the Dubia Deli - They are the best prices I've found.

If you're only feeding one cham, you should have plenty of roaches if you keep ~10 breeding females. But you should also have a decent base of average sized roaches, so that you're not feeding tiny baby roaches immediately. Give them a little time to grow first.

Youtube how to keep a colony. It's very simple to do. Starting a dubia colony was the best choice I made for feeders.
is it even worth starting a colony if I only have one reptile to feed? I really want to be able to keep population numbers down to a reasonable level.
Yes it is worth it because no matter what you don't feed off you can sell. I have about 50 adults, about 35 females and 15 males or something, and they breed the perfect amount for my one panther juvenile and hatchling day gecko. In fact I have moments of lulls where I have none big enough or small enough to feed off. I also have other feeder roaches. They are all doing great with the heat right now in Cali and need no heat pad on them. Right now I probably have around 500-600 nymphs. Good luck in your search for roaches ^^ they are easy to keep as soon as they get going.
I recently started my dubia colony...I am also only feeding for 1. I started with 30 females and 10 males...also ordered 400 smalls to feed off until they get up and running. I started it 3 weeks ago and see new babies every few days.
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