dubia colony


Established Member
what is a good size for a dubia colony before spliting them up? Also how big should i let my colony get before feeding out of it?
what is a good size for a dubia colony before spliting them up? Also how big should i let my colony get before feeding out of it?

How many chams, have you got to feed from it? How many roaches have you got roughly?

I got 70 odd females 10 odd males hundreads of young ones loads and loads of them, that was a few months back and they seem to be breeding loads, im leaving them for a few more months before i feed two maybe three chams from it maybe even longer , Also i have these in a regular rub, im sure there could be 10x that amount in there, as they seem to all huddle to together in one bit of the rub,
I split mine up as I go. I grab a cardboard tube out of the box, shake all the roaches into a jar, and then sort out all the adult females and some of the adult males into a new box, and feed out the neonates and surplus males. Eventually after a few weeks the box I'm feeding out of is empty, all the adults have been transferred to a new box or two, and I move on to the next box.
I have about 80 females and 30 male adult dubias. My chams are 6-9 months old and 2 adults.
You are going to need a massive colony to feed that many. I would wait awhile or get more adults. might to split them up into like alarge breeding colony and a smaller feeding colony. also make sure to feed off the adult males off first becasue they usually end up having to many males.
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