Dubia In Florida????

I also heard they are illegal in Florida. However, I am not sure if that is correct or not, I really don't know. I know people can send them to you regardless.
I have never have a problem getting them form the site sponsers and out of the classifieds here.
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Guidelines for Importing Exotic and Non-Florida U.S. Arthropods
Organisms must be listed in a category at some taxonomic level (species, genus, family, order, or class);
otherwise they are automatically considered Prohibited. Changes may be made to the list as circumstances
I. Regular: Permit request normally will be automatically approved. Organisms in this category:
Annelida: Oligochaeta (earthworms)
Araneae: family Theraphosidae (tarantulas)
Scorpiones: genera Hadogenes, Hadrurus, Heterometrus, and Pandinus
(the giant and relatively harmless scorpions)
Orthoptera: Acheta domesticus (European house cricket)
Coleoptera: Tenebrio molitor (mealworm)
Zophobas sp. (super mealworm)
Lepidoptera (species imported for release from east of 100' parallel of longitude):
Agraulis vanillae
Anartia jatrophae
Colias philodice
Danaus plexippus
Heliconius charitonius
Nymphalis antiopa
Papilio polyxenes
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Vanessa virginensis
II. Restricted: Applicant must provide written description of security measures used to prevent escape
of organisms. Degree of security directly related to risk if escapes occur. Organisms in this category:
Arachnida: All species except as listed above.
Chilopoda: All species
Diplopoda: All species
Insecta (males only of exotic species except Lepidoptera):
Blattoidea: Gromphadorrhina portentosa (Madagascar hissing cockroach)
Mantoidea: Orchid mantises.
Phasmatoidea: Giant walkingsticks.
Lepidoptera: All species approved for butterfly houses.
III. Prohibited: Any organism previously demonstrated to be capable of causing significant agricultural
or ecological harm. Organisms in this category:
Mollusca: All plant feeding snails.
Insecta: All plant feeding insects (except see Restricted).
Arthropoda: All species not specifically covered (see Regular and Restricted).
For more information please visit our website at http://doacs.state.fl.us/~pi/5b-57.htm
fairly vague in some areas. It would seem the hisser are legal just restricted, not prohibited.
this is like drug running haha! Its like your sittin in jail and your bunkmate asks you wait your in for..there is a sudden silence and you boldy say . . . . dubias . . . . .j/k ;)
Since this is already so public *sigh* I suggest you PM email addys and take all conversation of this type off of the forum all together. *sigh*
Male Hissers

Male Hissers. but not females, can be shipped to Florida along with discoids, green banana roaches and Blaberus craniifer as well as any native or adventive species.
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