Dubia night light?


Avid Member
I have an old red nightlight, and i was wondering if it'd disturb the colony of dubia I'm starting if it was on at night. I know they're nocturnal, so I wont use it if it'll bother them, but I have no idea if it will or not. Does anyone know if it will?

Much appreciated. :)
Why even use a night light. Get a heat pad and just use that with a thermostat under the tank. Use the search feature and you will find alot about dubias and how to care for them.

I know that, but my mom won't buy one right now, so I was wondering if that was okay for a month or so?
Heat pads can be bought used for dirt cheap. I found mine on craigslist. People give that stuff away. If you search reptile tank you'll find people selling heat pads with tank and screen top. I bought 2 setups like that for $20 each. People who had snakes and such.
Ya you should be fine. Just make sure there is a top on the tank. Just in case. A few members on this forum have caught a few males fly around. :eek:

That's not the point... I can't spend any money on anything that isn't actually needed til next month. So if I NEED to buy one I will, but will the light sufice until then?
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