Dubia Population Density


New Member
I read through most of the dubia posts but found little on how many you can keep per container to continue maximum breeding potential. I have a 35 gallon Sterilite container and was wondering how many it could hold. At what point would my colony be too big for this container?
What I do is, when my dubias get towards the 6k mark, I separate some into another container. I also use the 35g blue totes from walmart. I've allowed my colony to get up to 8k in that 35gal tub however I needed to feed everyday or else they'd start munching on one another. Males will try to fly away when there's too many roaches in the tub, I usually use this as a marker as to when to separate as well.
What I do is, when my dubias get towards the 6k mark, I separate some into another container. I also use the 35g blue totes from walmart. I've allowed my colony to get up to 8k in that 35gal tub however I needed to feed everyday or else they'd start munching on one another. Males will try to fly away when there's too many roaches in the tub, I usually use this as a marker as to when to separate as well.
How do you estimate the number of roaches in the container?
You count real fast. Ever see Rainman.


When it seems a little crowded and I notice they are not producing as many nymphs I put a 4:1 female to male ratio into another bin an start another colony so then I rotate will I feed off one colony until it is getting low while the other is producing so on so on.
That doesn't really answer my question :p. I have a colony of lobster roaches, but it doesn't seem to be overcrowded right now. I was just wondering.
6 thousand!?!?! Seriously? You feeding an army of chameleons? If someone (me) were to buy their first SINGLE chameleon, would it be practical at all to even try breeding their (my) own feeders?
One chameleon might eat 300 or so a month. Some of the dubia breeder do sell adults. You could get 15 or 20 adult females breeding and you wont need to buy crickets.
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