dubia questions important


Established Member
hey guys umm i am just wondering how i can get my 10 month old cham to start eating dubia roaches? ive gotten him to eat 2 or 3 in the past few weeks, so any advice would be helpful, his diet is mostly crickets superworms and occasionally hornworms and silkworms, but i got dubias and i wanna get him eating these as a staple along with crickets, thanks
if he is not already, i would start by getting accustomed to cup feeding, then offer smaller dubia in with his other feeders, then just start reducing the other feeders you offer with them. if he hasnt taken any by then, put him on a slightly reduced food intake and eventually offer only dubia until he takes them. i think its rare that a cham will go through that process and not end up taking them, but there are chams that never fully come around to dubia. if dubia are free ranged in the cage they will often just find a place to hide indefinitely, like under the pot. jmo
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