Dubia reproduction


Established Member
I have my Dubias in a 20 gal long glass aquarium with an undertank heater. The temp on the heater is right around eighty degrees sometimes eighty five. They are reproducing but never incredibly fast in my opinion. Should it be warmer in there to stimulate more reproduction? I have seen people just use tupperware type containers but I don't have a room warm enough to stimulate reproduction I don't think.

P.S. Anyone that says dubias can't climb glass is not correct. I have males climbing the sides of my container all the time. Luckily I have a top for it.
Maybe the sides of your tank aren't clean or they are climbing up the glue?

How long have you had your dubia? and how many adults do you have? 80-85 should be warm enough. I keep mine inside without a heat pad during the winter and they produce pretty fast for me... I then put them in the garage during the summer. Another thing that can help reproduction is using a high protein diet for your breeders such as dogfood. However, you don't want to feed your breeders that are feeding on the dogfood to your chams. A diet too high in protein can lead to gout.

Also about the males climbing the sides of your container, I don't have any issues with that and I use a smooth walled plastic tub. Do you have alot of places for them to hide in your enclosure?

Hope this helps,

I have lots of roach flats and egg crate in there. I have a lot of adults with roughly a 2:1 ratio of females to males. I guess I am just expecting them to produce faster than they are. There are tiny nymphs that are about a 1/4 inch but I expect there to be more with the number of adults. As for the climbing, I see it on occasion when I am down there. It isn't as though they are all over the walls but I do see males climbing them. And the walls are spotless I bought the glass aquarium just for them.
Never heard of a dubia being able to crawl glass... I know hissing roaches do but not so much dubia. Yucky!
Yeah it wasn't too cool when I went downstairs and there was a male on my wall because I left the lid off. I searched my cham room with a fine toothed comb after that. Luckily none were found.
Try putting vaseline on the sides of the tank - but you'll have to redo this as often as it hardens and it does become a hassle.

I just wanted to share my success story with dubias :p

Recently due to sold out rooms :rolleyes: i had to build a new roach motel

I always keep water crystals full there is always something for them to eat

keep the heat on and it naturally dark and there should be no problem :cool:


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