Dubia roaches flying?

Sir Spiral Tail

New Member
I have heard and found documents that dubia roaches do not fly. However I have found one adult male crawling across my kitchen floor, and found one last night, on it's back, dead in my baby chameleon's tub...I am very careful about getting them out, and not letting them get free, and as my baby tub is on a table, it had to have flown into it...I just put a lid on the container and put a screen in it, but was wondering if anyone else experienced this with theirs..
Hi we keep Dubia Roaches in two glass tanks and we have seen the males climbing up a lead from the heats mats and then crawled through a small gap at the top and then getting out of the tanks,so have now sealed of with tape to stop them squeezing through the gap as we was wondering how they kept getting out the tank and into my shed.
Heather x
They can fly or jump pretty high and glide or something. I keep my dubias in 50 gallon storage containers filled most of the way with cardboard tubes. I don't use lids because I keep them in a building- not in my house. In past years I kept tubs of roaches on shelves above tubs I was raising baby lizards in so the roaches could get the heat from the lights below. I would find adult males in the tubs below pretty often. I haven't seen them actually fly, but they can either do that, or climb the plastic tubs or flutter and climb or jump out or something.
flutter flyers

dubia are flutter flyers, and the warmer they are, the more active they are, they are not going to fly across the room, but if active enough. they might be able to get out of a container with no lid on it. last year somebody posted a video of dubia flying in their bin, i will try to find it when i get back to my own computer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZhfGbI_r-c
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escaped dubia

ya...i hope there are not more out somewhere...it will be the end of the colony if my girlfriend sees more out of the bin..
lol you can usually bait them at night with a heat pad, a small pile of their favorite foods and some egg carton. just sneak up on them about 4 am
Hi we keep Dubia Roaches in two glass tanks and we have seen the males climbing up a lead from the heats mats and then crawled through a small gap at the top and then getting out of the tanks,so have now sealed of with tape to stop them squeezing through the gap as we was wondering how they kept getting out the tank and into my shed.
Heather x
why not put the heat pad under the tank? also they dont like light, cold, or being seen, so you would probably be better off if you blacked off the outside of the tank with some black poster paper or something. just a thought
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