Dubia roaches


New Member
I was curious if anyone in the Toronto area were breeding dubia's for their cham. Wasn't sure if it was even allowed since they can not be shipped in from the USA as far as I am aware of. Thanks.
yeah u can get them thier. idk exactly i just heared other people on this forum from canada talking about roaches. check your laws to be safe.:D
I live in the GTA and pondered the same question with regards to whether or not dubia roaches are legal here in Canada.

Check out this post: http://www.edmontonreptiles.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11614

To summarize, dubias are ILLEGAL to sell, breed and keep in Canada. They are only allowed into Canada for research or display in educational facilities.

Now I know a few individuals who keep/breed dubias as feeders and I see them pop up on Craigslist and Kijiji on occasion. In other words, they are "available" if you look hard enough, but that does not make them legal. Shame since they make such great feeders ><

Hope this helps.
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