Dubia vs Discoid

I don't know wich one is better, but i read that they rarely fly, but they can.
Nope, sorry Sherbert, i have to deal with enough bugs, no small flying roaches.
I don't know wich one is better, but i read that they rarely fly, but they can.
Nope, sorry Sherbert, i have to deal with enough bugs, no small flying roaches.

They don’t fly, they may in rare occasions flap their wings… which even that is RARE, but they aren’t going to just fly out of the bin or go anywhere with it.

Personally, I liked them better than Dubia. More active and seemed to entice my chameleons more. They get a little bit larger as adults. Also dubia seem to be slightly softer shelled. Ultimately, whichever your Cham prefers is a solid option.
They don’t fly, they may in rare occasions flap their wings… which even that is RARE, but they aren’t going to just fly out of the bin or go anywhere with it.

Personally, I liked them better than Dubia. More active and seemed to entice my chameleons more. They get a little bit larger as adults. Also dubia seem to be slightly softer shelled. Ultimately, whichever your Cham prefers is a solid option.
Interesting... I'll have to do some more research about them. They seemed to be a little bit cheaper than Dubai. I might buy a small package of them with my monthly order.
Interesting... I'll have to do some more research about them. They seemed to be a little bit cheaper than Dubai. I might buy a small package of them with my monthly order.

Yeah trust me, no need to worry about them flying anymore than you do with dubia. I feel dubia are a little easier to breed, not that discoid are hard, but took me a little longer to get them established. Also seem to prefer substrate more than dubia.
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