

New Member
just bought 50 of these,i have tried go-cat crushed up as instructed a few greens and a grape but they dont seem to be eating much

can anybody give me a suggestion to what i should be feeding and what they like (i`m in the u.k) thanks in advance
I use cricket crack that we can get in the US. But, I also feed bananas, apples, romaine lettuce, Cheerios, oats, bread and most table scraps.
I feed mine a blend of dry gutload and wet gutload. Collards, dandelion greens, mustard greens, carrots, squash, yams, sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, some dark leafy lettuces, endive, escarole, some bread, bee pollen, oats, some seeds/nuts, sometimes natural whole grain plain cereal, (make sure to have a fruit or two to sweeten it up or they won't eat it) strawberries, grapes, apple, raspberries, blue berries, orange, other citrus, papaya, etc. Stay away from cat food/dog food/fishfood, spinach, and broccoli if you want them to be more nutritious. The longer they are fed on good stuff, the better they are over all. The nuts/seeds and bee pollen has enough protein in it but you can add a little boiled egg yolk if you really want to.
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