
chameleon guy

New Member
1. I have a ten gallon tank but there is silicone on the inside, can dubias climb it?
2. Can dry dog food help the colony grow?
3. Do I need a cover to the tank?
4. Can they be used as a staple? Can crickets climb better than dubias do?

Any help is appreciated.
1. I dont think so.
2. Yes but dont feed ones that youve fed dogfood to your chams.
3. I would just in case.
4. Yes, but its good to still include crix and have variety
u need a glass or plastic bin. f*** that silicone sh*t.

dog food does help them, they also need more of a water source cuz ull be keeping them atr high temps. 88 degrees is straight.

yes u need to cover the tank.

they can be used as a staple. just dont feed them with dog food in their guts. make sure u feed them something that is good for gutloading for a few days prior to feeding them off.

when i feed dubia, i always feed large ones so the chameleon doesnt need more than one. i normally rip the dubia's legs off because they have prickley spikes on them. not so good for the chameleon's mouth.
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