

New Member
Well my dubias arrived today. I cant say i was thrilled, on one hand i had a new project of getting a colony going and having a new staple for Louie but on the other they still sent a shiver down my back when i opened the box. for some reason the females dont really bother me but the males still kinda gross me out. Well i guess im gonna have to get used to them since ill be dealing with them a lot:eek:

Also i just wanted to recomend Ken the Bug Guy. He is one of the site sponsers. He has good prices and his customer service is great. Not one little roach died out of the 100 that he shipped from CA all the way to NH and he gave a great ratio of grown femals to males.
I understand what you mean! I'm anxiously/dreading the arival of roachs or as I tell all my friends "Hawiian Papya Bettles" LOL. I read it here on an old thread
haha when i ordered them i didnt even say roach or my mom would have never let them in the house. So when she asks i just say dubia and she leaves things be:p
LOL, they are very easy to work with so that alone should make points in their favor. Be sure to glue the egg crates as instructed and cleaning they is very easy.
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