

New Member
Hi. So I'll try to make this brief. I have a veiled chameleon, and I have 4 betta fish which I am soon getting duckweed for. I was wondering, is it safe to feed my dubia roaches the duckweed when it starts overpopulating my fish tanks? I don't mean I plan on making that their strict diet either. I gutload them with repashy superload. But would if be safe to toss left over duckweed with them? Also, Ricky does enjoy eating plants. Could I maybe even just feed a little to him?
Here's Ricky, by the way. He's grown quite a bit since I last posted anything. :)


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Duckweed At 35% to 40%, it has a higher protein level than Soy beans and higher concentrations of the essential amino acids, lysine and methionine than most plant proteins.
I would use it as a gutload item,too much everything is not always going to be good for the cham,use them for part of the feeder gutload probably better then feeding it straight to ur veiled cham.
Okay! I'll only give it to them every once in a while then. Thank you for the input :)
Duckweed At 35% to 40%, it has a higher protein level than Soy beans and higher concentrations of the essential amino acids, lysine and methionine than most plant proteins.
I would use it as a gutload item,too much everything is not always going to be good for the cham,use them for part of the feeder gutload probably better then feeding it straight to ur veiled cham.
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