duster questions


New Member
Hey CF im new to this forum and this is actually my first post haha. i recently picked up some Zoomeds reptile calcium with D3 and was wondering if this was a good brand. if so how often should i use it? and is it good to use on things besides crickets like super worms or even veggies?
i dont personally know if it is a good brand or not but I know the majority of people on here including myself dust with calcium with d3 once every 2 weeks. Dusting crickets and dubias work the best but you could dust any insect (it doesnt stick to supers very good) and I dont see a problem dusting veggies if your cham eats them. just be sure to dust your feeders with calcium without d3 at most other feedings.
Too much D3 can be harmful, so that kind is used only a couple times a month. I know I wasn't able to find calcium without D3 in my area, so I had to order online. I would suggest LLLReptile. Great customer service. Pangea also has well-priced calcium (search "pangea reptile" for their site).

Edit: Also try to find calcium without phosphorus.
The feeders have to be "lightly" dusted with 3 kinds of supplements. Plain calcium (no d3) at just about every feeding...... if you skip one or two days a month that's ok. Calcium with d3 twice a month and a multi. vit. once a month. In this link I use the 1st, 3rd and 5th one. http://lllreptile.com/store/catalog/...cage-cleaners/

You need to gut load the feeders with collard greens they are excellent. You can also use kale, carrots, butternut squash apple and orange. You can also buy a premixed gut load. My vet makes one that I use and one of the Forums members sales it. https://www.chameleonforums.com/dry-gutload-sale-37717/
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