Dusting crickets

How do you dust chameleons food.
you can get a little zip lock bag and put some of the calcuim in there and put the mealworms or whatever your feeding it. and shake :) lightly dust them though. dont put a think layer of dust. thats a big NO NO :O haha
you can get a little zip lock bag and put some of the calcuim in there and put the mealworms or whatever your feeding it. and shake :) lightly dust them though. dont put a think layer of dust. thats a big NO NO :O haha

I know that i mean do i dust it with d3 or without d3
Most people dust lightly with calcium with D3 twice a month at most. Calcium without D3 usually every feeding or at least 3 times a week. D3 can build up in the system and cause issues if used too often. According to the advice I have gotten on this forum, it is better for your cham to get D3 from its light source (UVB 5.0 reptisun linear flourescent, or natural sunlight) than from supplements. You might want to read some of the blog entries from SandraChameleon. She has some good info on this subject..

I picked up my dusting schedule from this post here:

Seems to be working fine.


Although I was talking with one member and he said he doesn't use Cal W/O d3 and instead LIGHTLY dusts every other day with Cal w/D3.

Here is the segment I was sent earlier: "I use rep cal calcium with Vit D3 every other day for panthers below 10 months old. I dust them extra light.

I don't use rep cal calcium without vit D3, I raise my chams indoors.

Lots of people say to always use calcium without vit D3 almost daily, I do what screameleons told me to do, and my chams seem far stronger like screameleons' as appose to other peoples. I've purchased panthers from other people and they never arrive with as strong a grip as mine nor screameleons' chameleons... maybe it says something? not sure.....

I use rep cal herptivite once every 2 weeks for all ages."

Does that seem right to anyone, because it goes against pretty much everything anyone on this forum has told me pertaining to this subject.
To much d3 is bad for your cham like reptoman said. I don't use any d3 for my older chams anymore since they are outside for about 3 hours everday.
calcium without D3 every OR every other feeding.

Calcium WITH D3, 2 times a month

Herpative Multi-vitamin, 2 times a month


I don't use D3 the same week as the Herpative, I remember reading or hearing about there being some benefit, I have no evidence as to whether or not this is true, I'll try to find where i read it and get back to this.

Basically week 1 = Calc with D3
week 2 = Herpative mult-v.
week 3 = Clalc with D3
week 4 = Herpative Mult-v.

and thats the months routine, for those 2 powders.
You might want to read some of the blog entries from SandraChameleon. She has some good info on this subject..


Excellent information in Sandra's blog! I highly recommend it!

Basically week 1 = Calc with D3
week 2 = Herpative mult-v.
week 3 = Clalc with D3
week 4 = Herpative Mult-v.


Mine is similiar to yours, except I use Miner-All (outdoor formula) in place of Herptivite on week 4. Just a different multi-vitamin...
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