Dusting insects with dinofuel and other "gut loads"


Avid Member
I completely understand feeding the bugs these items will fill there guy with some good nutrients and vitamins, but will dusting them with the same dry gut loads add an extra minor dose of the same vitamins and minerals? Why isn't this common practice etc.
dusting with calcium plus the gut loads would that make a better more rounded dusting??
Enlighten me my chameleon Yodas!!
I've been doing this for years, usually when I forget to gutload the feeders the night before;) I've used bug burger, cricket crack, some of the repashy gecko diets, brewers yeast, powdered bee pollent, spirulina etc.
I used to make a dark leafy green vegetable paste and spread it on the insects as well in place of calcium dust.
I've never had any issues, I swear the chameleons like the flavor variety this provides but no way to know for sure.
I wouldn't use this as a direct gutloading replacement, as I suspect the foodstuffs are partially digested by the insects before they are consumed by the chameleon. They have evolved to eat whole insects with pre-digested gut contents, not raw gutload.. but in small amounts I don't see any problem with this and haven't had any issues personally.
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