Dusting with exoterra products???


New Member
How often should i be dusting my crickets with these products? My veiled is 2-3 months old and about the size of a c cell battery...sorry couldn't relate the size to anything else. lol. He eats alot probably 8-12 crickets a day (4-6 crickets in AM and 4-6 crickets in PM). I have been dusting the crickets with the calcium+ d3 everyday and the multi vitamin once a week. Is this too much? He seems to be very happy and active. Posted pics of sups and cham


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I would suggest using the calcium without d3 less than the above poster suggested. Five times a week is plenty. Calcium with d3 doesn't even have to be used if the chameleon gets an hour or more of sunlight a day, however if he only recieves UVB radiation from a linear UVB tube then use it two-three times a month. Chameleons can overdose on d3, so don't use it too often. Vitamins should only be used once or twice a month. I'm not familiar with the brand so I don't know if there is vit. A in the vitamins, but if there is, I would suggest using one with beta carotine instead as they can overdose on vit. A.
thanks. I tried searching the forums but couldn't find exactly what i was looking for... sorry if i offended the vets!. I will pick up the calcium tomorrow. whats a good brand of calcium for weekly feedings? Since i have been doing this everyday should i just go with straight crickets for the next couple days? I have been using sweet potatoes and carrots to gutload. I have 2 uvb bulbs, different wattages 2.0 and 5.0 uvb in the front of cage and a heat bulb in back. 2 ft high by 1.5 wide exoterra screen terrarium. Thanks again and sorry if im doing this all wrong...
He only needs one UVB tube. It's best to gutload with a variety of things. Dark greens include kale, collards, mustard greens, and romaine lettuce. Fruits include apples, pears, oranges, blueberries, and strawberries. Here is a list of veggies and fruits according to calcium: phos levels. Try to keep the calcium high and the phos low. Stay away from spinach, brocolli, and tomatoes. http://www.guinealynx.info/diet_vegs.html

here's another:


you're doing fine. just change the suplements like what was said, and you can even ditch the 2.0 UVB bulb.

proper gutloading is more important, so read what Pssh said.

good luck, and keep posting pictures.

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