dwarf fischers info needed


New Member
I am having a hard time finding info on these guys so if anyone can help me out it would be appreciated. I also read on one site that they give live birth and another site that they lay eggs. if anyone knows the answer to that it would be helpfull on account i think my female is pregnant.
I'm gonna go with eggs -- assuming your animal was identified correctly. Search for egg laying bin or pregnant or something.
When you say dwarf fischers do you mean tavetanas? If so I can email you some info I have on tav's and I will tell you for sure they lay eggs. Pm me your email if you need the info.
Can you get a picture? If it is indeed K. tavetana or K. boehmei (what has been recently imported but sold under dwarf fischers) then the multituberculata article is a good start.
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