Thanks. I'm really shaken up, there's no way I'm sleeping tonight, gonna be a hell of a day at work tomorrow.
He was a wild caught, yes, about 6 months old we're guessing. I dont know his history, I've only had him for 16 days, but I got pretty attached pretty quick. he was just at the vet yesterday, no symptoms of respiratory problems. Just happened tonight, like crazy fast. I'm crushed.
So sorry for your loss. Ive lost one myself while I was on Vacation, it was under care by a friend. I thought my friend did something wrong.....It turns out my dad accidently killed it! he sprayed for ants in my room before we left for preventative action, since we've had ant problems before. It took my father years to actually tell me the truth.
That's terrible. At least this was likely a pre-existing condition that I didn't catch in time to treat, but still didn't seem to make it any easier on him.
I kind of wish I wasn't following the rules quite so well. If I had handled him a little bit more, maybe I would have noticed the blood sooner. of course it's my fault for waiting for the fecal test, maybe it would have shown something. I don't know. I could sit here all night thinking up all the things I woulda coulda shoulda. Not going to change anything, except make menmore paranoid for next time, if there is a next time. I hope there is, if only cause it's going to break my heart to take down this cage...